Stanhope, James Stanhope, Earl,
A memorial sent from London By the Late Earl Stanhope, to the Abbot Vertot at Paris. Containing the following questions, relating to the constitution of the Roman Senate, (viz.) I. What was the ordinary regular method of admission into the senate, in the Four or Five first Ages of the Commonwealth? II. Why the Senate consisting then of none but Patricians, we read of some Patricians that were Senators, while others were only Private Men, and did not partake of that Dignity? And whether this Distinction came by Succession and Primogeniture: Or whether the Choice of the Candidates lay wholly in the Consuls, and afterwards in the Censors? III. For what Reason, after the Second Punic War, a Director was named on Purpose to fill up the Vacancies in the Senate; from whence one might infer, that the Romans had no common and regular Way of supplying those Vacancies, since they had recourse to the extradinary Power of a Dictator? With the Abbot Vertot's answer.
Varying form of title
State tracts
Varying form of title
Histoire des revolutions arrivées dans la Republique romaine
Publication, distribution, etc.
London :, Printed for W. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row; J. Pemberton, at the Buck in Fleetstreet; and E. Symon, in Cornhill,, MDCCXXI [1721].
Physical description
32p ;, 20cm.
A translation of part of Vertot's 'Histoire des révolutions arrivées dans le gouvernment de la république romaine', Paris, 1719.
Bound with twenty-seven other items.
Previously: Dm.6.1.
Citation/references note
ESTC T59565
Additional physical form available
Microfilm. Woodbridge, Conn. : Primary Source Media, 1999. 1 reel ; 35 mm. (The Eighteenth Century ; reel 10038, no. 06).
Additional physical form available
Electronic reproduction. Farmington Hills, Mich. : Thomson Gale, 2003. (Eighteenth century collections online). Available via the World Wide Web. Access limited by licensing agreements.
Bookplate of Eton College.
Bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731.
Ms. pencil note: "Checked Feb 1924 some entries added to gen. Cat".
19th century brown half calf, repaired June 1989 by William Taunton; blue and red marbled paper covered boards; four raised bands; spine title: "State tracts".
Vertot, Abbé de., Histoire des revolutions arrivées dans la Republique romaine.
Added entry--name
Taylor, William, printer,, Printer.
Added entry--name
Pemberton, John, printer,, Bookseller.
Added entry--name
Symon, Edward, Bookseller.
Added entry--name
Waddington, Edward, former owner.
Added entry--name
Taunton, William, binder.
Added entry--name
Vertot, Abbé de,
Added entry--place
England, London.