Prynne, William
Histrio-mastix. The players scovrge, or, actors tragædie, divided into two parts. Wherein it is largely evidenced, by divers arguments, by the concurring authorities and resolutions of sundry texts of Scripture; ... That popular stage-playes ... are sinfull, heathenish, lewde, ungodly spectacles, and most pernicious corruptions; condemned in all ages, as intolerable mischiefes to churches, to republickes, to the manners, mindes, and soules of men. And that the profession of play-poets, of stage players; together with the penning, acting, and frequenting of stage-playes, are unlawfull, infamous and misbeseeming Christians. All pretences to the contrary are here likewise fully answered; and the unlawfulnes of acting of beholding academicall enterludes, briefly discussed; besides sundry other particulars concerning dancing, dicing, health-drinking, &c. of which the table will informe you. By William Prynne, an vtter-barrester of Lincolnes Inne.
Varying form of title
Histrio-mastix. The players scourge, or, actors tragaedie, divided into two parts
Publication, distribution, etc.
London :, Printed by E.A[llde]. Thomas Cotes, Augustine Mathewes,] and W[illiam]. I[ones]. for Michael Sparke, and are to be sold at the Blue Bible, in Greene Arbour, in little Old Bayly,, 1633.
Physical description
[36], 512 p., 513-568 leaves, 545-1006, [40]p ;, 4to.
Mathewes printed quires B-M; Cotes N-Z; Allde 2A-3Z, 3A+-3K+, and 5V to end; Jones the title page, preliminaries and 4A-5T, including a cancel for 4X2,3 (STC). Signatures: [A]² +4 2+8 3+4 B-3Z4 3A+-3K+4 4A-6R4. Lacks preliminary blank. Includes index. Second state: with the errata on 3+4v.
Citation/references note
STC (2nd ed.), 20464a; Pforzheimer, 809; ESTC S115316
Additional physical form available
Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1972. 1 microfilm reel; 35mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640; 1285:15).
Ms ink inscription on title-page.
Ms inside front board: "Joseph Warren October 7th 1858".
17th-century brown calf; 20th-century rebacking with smooth spine; red morocco spine label.
Theater, Moral and ethical aspects, Early works to 1800, England.
Added entry--name
Cotes, Thomas
Added entry--name
Allde, Edward
Added entry--name
Matthewes, Augustine, printer.
Added entry--name
Jones, William
Added entry--name
Sparke, Michael, printer.
Added entry--name
Warren, Joseph
Added entry--place
England, London.