
Language code

grc, lat




Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus.

Uniform title

[De providentia]


Theodōrētou Episkopou Kyrou, peri pronoias logoi deka. Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri de prouidentia sermones X.

Varying form of title

Parallel title: Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri de prouidentia sermones X.

Varying form of title

Portion of title: Peri pronoias logoi deka

Publication, distribution, etc.

Tiguri :, Excudebat Froschouerus.,, Anno M. D. XLVI. [1546]

Physical description

261, [3] p. ;, 16 cm.


Main text in Greek; prelims. and part of title in Latin.


First part of title transliterated from the Greek.


Edited by N. Majoranus.


Woodcut printer's device on title page.


Signatures: a-q⁸ r⁴ (r4 blank).


Final leaf is blank.


[Cp.06.06(02)] Label recording donation to Eton by John Reynolds in 1751.


[Fh.7.16(01)] Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College. Ms. inscription: "Lib: Coll: B. M. de Etona" with shelfmark "E 2. 11". In library in 17th century (note in ECL card catalogue).


[Fh.7.16(01)] Ms. ex-libris (16th-century hand) of Lincoln College, Oxford: "Liber collegij lincol[n]ij ex dono m[agist]ri Rise quonda[m] eiusde[m] socij qui ... obijt in ædibus reverendi Cardinalis Poli anno d[omi]ni 1555 ..."; possibly Thomas Ryse, fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford.


[Cp.06.06(02)] 16th century blind-stamped, panelled calf. Remains of clasps.


[Fh.7.16(01)] 16th-century English blind-stamped calf; frame composed of a roll with continous foliage; traces of ties; four raised bands; red morocco spine label. The roll belonged to a London binder. Oldham gives it as used, with another roll signed RB, on books dated 1551 and 1557, and alone on a book dated 1556. See Birley notebooks, Bindings V, no. 862.

Copy-specific note

[Cp.06.06(02)] Ms. annotations.

Copy-specific note

[Cp.06.06(02)] Bound with: Works of Aeschylus, 1518.

Copy-specific note

[Cp.06.06(02)] Bound with: M. Tul. Ciceronis Paradoxa ..., 1547.

Copy-specific note

[Cp.06.06(02)] Previously Fb.4.22, Fa.7.3 and Cp.6.15.

Copy-specific note

[Fh.7.16(01)] Ms. annotations in the margins and on binding leaves.

Copy-specific note

[Fh.7.16(01)] Bound probably as issued with: Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus. De prouidentia sermones X. Latinitate donati, Ralpho Gualthero Tigurino interprete. Tiguri [Zurich] : [C. Froschauer], 1546.

Copy-specific note

[Fh.7.16(01)] Previously Ad.7.17.


Theology, Early works to 1800.


Providence and government of God, Early works to 1800.


Inscriptions., rbprov

Added entry--name

Majoranus, Nicolaus, editor.

Added entry--name

Reynolds, John, former owner.

Added entry--name

Froschauer, Christoph, printer.

Added entry--name

Lincoln College, former owner.

Added entry--place

Switzerland, Zurich.
1000#$aTheodoret$cBishop of Cyrrhus.
24010$aDe providentia
24510$aTheodōrētou Episkopou Kyrou, peri pronoias logoi deka. Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri de prouidentia sermones X.
24631$aTheodoreti Episcopi Cyri de prouidentia sermones X.
24630$aPeri pronoias logoi deka
260##$aTiguri :$bExcudebat Froschouerus.,$cAnno M. D. XLVI. [1546]
300##$a261, [3] p. ;$c16 cm.
500##$aFirst part of title transliterated from the Greek.
500##$aEdited by N. Majoranus.
500##$aWoodcut printer's device on title page.
500##$aSignatures: a-q⁸ r⁴ (r4 blank).
500##$aFinal leaf is blank.
546##$aMain text in Greek; prelims. and part of title in Latin.
561##$a[Cp.06.06(02)] Label recording donation to Eton by John Reynolds in 1751.
561##$a[Fh.7.16(01)] Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College. Ms. inscription: "Lib: Coll: B. M. de Etona" with shelfmark "E 2. 11". In library in 17th century (note in ECL card catalogue).
561##$a[Fh.7.16(01)] Ms. ex-libris (16th-century hand) of Lincoln College, Oxford: "Liber collegij lincol[n]ij ex dono m[agist]ri Rise quonda[m] eiusde[m] socij qui ... obijt in ædibus reverendi Cardinalis Poli anno d[omi]ni 1555 ..."; possibly Thomas Ryse, fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford.
563##$a[Cp.06.06(02)] 16th century blind-stamped, panelled calf. Remains of clasps.
563##$a[Fh.7.16(01)] 16th-century English blind-stamped calf; frame composed of a roll with continous foliage; traces of ties; four raised bands; red morocco spine label. The roll belonged to a London binder. Oldham gives it as used, with another roll signed RB, on books dated 1551 and 1557, and alone on a book dated 1556. See Birley notebooks, Bindings V, no. 862.
590##$a[Cp.06.06(02)] Ms. annotations.
590##$a[Cp.06.06(02)] Bound with: Works of Aeschylus, 1518.
590##$a[Cp.06.06(02)] Bound with: M. Tul. Ciceronis Paradoxa ..., 1547.
590##$a[Cp.06.06(02)] Previously Fb.4.22, Fa.7.3 and Cp.6.15.
590##$a[Fh.7.16(01)] Ms. annotations in the margins and on binding leaves.
590##$a[Fh.7.16(01)] Bound probably as issued with: Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus. De prouidentia sermones X. Latinitate donati, Ralpho Gualthero Tigurino interprete. Tiguri [Zurich] : [C. Froschauer], 1546.
590##$a[Fh.7.16(01)] Previously Ad.7.17.
650#0$aTheology$xEarly works to 1800.
650#0$aProvidence and government of God$xEarly works to 1800.
7001#$aMajoranus, Nicolaus$eeditor.
7001#$aReynolds, John$eformer owner.
7001#$aFroschauer, Christoph$eprinter.
7102#$aLincoln College$eformer owner.
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