Language code
lat, grc, heb
Additional copy shelfmark
[Another copy:] Cp.02.17, [Copy-specific notes:] Previously Ga.3.11. Imperfect: wants final leaf., [Provenance:] Storer bequest label dated 1800; bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799?, [Binding:] 18th century tree calf.
Additional copy shelfmark
[Another copy:] Cp.02.18, [Copy-specific notes:] Previously Gh.4.18, Fh.4.2, and Ca.3.11. Imperfect: wants most of Latin translation of main work (bound after Greek in this copy, not interleaved), and all small works in final section. Ms. annotations (more than one hand?)., [Provenance:] Bookplate of Eton College. Label recording donation to Eton by John Reynolds in 1751., [Binding:] 17th century blind-stamped calf, with fleur-de-lys-like tool.
Lascaris, Constantine
In hoc libro haec habentur. Constantini Lascaris Byzantini De octo partibus oonis lib. I ... De constructione liber secundus ... De nomine & uerbo liber tertius ... De pronomine in omni idiomate loquendi, ac ut poetæ utuntur opusculum. Hæc omnia habent e regione Latinam interpretationem ad uerbum fere propter rudiusculos, ita tamen ut & amoueri, & addi possit pro cuiusq; arbitro. Cebetis Tabula & Græca & Latina ... De literis Græcis ac diphthongis ... Abbreuiationes, quibus frequentissime Græci utuntur. Oratio Dominica & duplex salutatio ad Beatiss. Virginem. Symbolum Apostolorum. Euangelium Diui Ioannis Euangelistæ. Carmina aurea Pythagoræ. Phocylidis Poema ad bene, beatéq; uiuendum. De idiomatib. linguarum tres tractatus Ioannis Grammatici. Eustathii. Corinthi cum interpretatione Latina. Introductio per breuis ad Hebraicam linguam.
Publication, distribution, etc.
[Venetiis] :, [Apud Aldum],, [1512].
Physical description
[294] leaves ;, 4to.
Previously Ca.3.4 and Cp.3.5.
Text in Greek and Latin, with some Hebrew at end. Texts printed on separate series of signatures, then interleaved. "Cebetis tabula" also incorporated within main text.
Edited by A. Manuzio.
Imprint from colophon.
Citation/references note
Renouard I pp. 135-6
16th century red,Venetian, blind-stamped, panelled calf. Floral/foliage rolls. Remains of clasps.
Greek language, Grammar, Early works to 1800.
Hebrew language, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
Manuzio, Aldo, editor.
Added entry--place
Italy, Venice.
Additional copy
[Another copy:] Cp.02.17, [Copy-specific notes:] Previously Ga.3.11. Imperfect: wants final leaf., [Provenance:] Storer bequest label dated 1800; bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799?, [Binding:] 18th century tree calf.
Additional copy
[Another copy:] Cp.02.18, [Copy-specific notes:] Previously Gh.4.18, Fh.4.2, and Ca.3.11. Imperfect: wants most of Latin translation of main work (bound after Greek in this copy, not interleaved), and all small works in final section. Ms. annotations (more than one hand?)., [Provenance:] Bookplate of Eton College. Label recording donation to Eton by John Reynolds in 1751., [Binding:] 17th century blind-stamped calf, with fleur-de-lys-like tool.