

Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11

Additional copy shelfmark

[Another copy]: I TBS


Seneca, Lucius Annaeus

Collective uniform title



L. Annaei Senecae tragoediae cum notis integris Johannis Frederici Gronovii, et selectis Justi Lipsii, M. Antonii Delrii, Jani Gruteri, H. Commelini, Josephi Scaligeri, Danielis et Nicolai Heisiorum, Thomae Farnabii aliorumque; itemque observationibus nonnullis Hugonis Grotii. Omnia recensuit; notas, animadversiones, atque indicem novum locupletissimumque adjecit; ipsum vero auctoris syntagma cum MS. codice contulit Joannes Casparus Schröderus.

Publication, distribution, etc.

Delphis :, Apud Adrianum Beman,, 1728.

Physical description

[124], 802, [212] p. ;, 4to.


Additional engraved title-page.


Title printed in red and black.


Woodcut t.p. vignette; initials; marginal line numbers.


Notes and commentary given as footnotes in double columns.


Includes index.


[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: Storer bequest label dated 1800; bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799.


[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: Armorial bookplate of Charles Spooner.


[I TBS]: Armorial bookplate of John Keate, headmaster of Eton 1809-1834. Further ms. material on Keate is tucked into an envelope on the rear pastedown.


[I TBS]: Pencil inscription on front pastedown: G.L.J. Engle d.d. Davis Rackam [?] d.d. Anthony Chenevix-Trench Sept 1969.


[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: 18th century blind-stamped vellum, with central ornament.


[I TBS]: Contemporary brown sprinkled calf: gold tooled roll along board edges; gold tooled floral stamps and cornerpieces on compartments of spine; spine label, very worn, with gold tooled letters (Ns reversed); six raised bands.

Copy-specific note

[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: Previous shelfmark: Cc.2.2.16-17.

Copy-specific note

[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: Ms. prices.

Copy-specific note

[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: Bound in two volumes.


Seneca, Lucius Annaeus


Tragedies, Early works to 1800

Added entry--name

Gronovius, Joannes Fredericus

Added entry--name

Grotius, Hugo

Added entry--name

Schröder, Johann Caspar

Added entry--name

Storer, Anthony Morris, former owner.

Added entry--name

Keate, John, former owner.

Added entry--name

Chenevix-Trench, Anthony, former owner.

Added entry--place

Netherlands, Delft.

Additional copy

[Another copy]: I TBS
096##$aCc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11
098##$a[Another copy]: I TBS
1001#$aSeneca, Lucius Annaeus
24510$aL. Annaei Senecae tragoediae cum notis integris Johannis Frederici Gronovii, et selectis Justi Lipsii, M. Antonii Delrii, Jani Gruteri, H. Commelini, Josephi Scaligeri, Danielis et Nicolai Heisiorum, Thomae Farnabii aliorumque; itemque observationibus nonnullis Hugonis Grotii. Omnia recensuit; notas, animadversiones, atque indicem novum locupletissimumque adjecit; ipsum vero auctoris syntagma cum MS. codice contulit Joannes Casparus Schröderus.
260##$aDelphis :$bApud Adrianum Beman,$c1728.
300##$a[124], 802, [212] p. ;$c4to.
500##$aAdditional engraved title-page.
500##$aTitle printed in red and black.
500##$aWoodcut t.p. vignette; initials; marginal line numbers.
500##$aNotes and commentary given as footnotes in double columns.
500##$aIncludes index.
561##$a[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: Storer bequest label dated 1800; bequeathed to Eton by Anthony Morris Storer in 1799.
561##$a[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: Armorial bookplate of Charles Spooner.
561##$a[I TBS]: Armorial bookplate of John Keate, headmaster of Eton 1809-1834. Further ms. material on Keate is tucked into an envelope on the rear pastedown.
561##$a[I TBS]: Pencil inscription on front pastedown: G.L.J. Engle d.d. Davis Rackam [?] d.d. Anthony Chenevix-Trench Sept 1969.
563##$a[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: 18th century blind-stamped vellum, with central ornament.
563##$a[I TBS]: Contemporary brown sprinkled calf: gold tooled roll along board edges; gold tooled floral stamps and cornerpieces on compartments of spine; spine label, very worn, with gold tooled letters (Ns reversed); six raised bands.
590##$a[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: Previous shelfmark: Cc.2.2.16-17.
590##$a[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: Ms. prices.
590##$a[Cc.2.1.10 - Cc.2.1.11]: Bound in two volumes.
60010$aSeneca, Lucius Annaeus
650#0$aTragedies$xEarly works to 1800
7001#$aGronovius, Joannes Fredericus
7001#$aGrotius, Hugo
7001#$aSchröder, Johann Caspar
7001#$aStorer, Anthony Morris$eformer owner.
7001#$aKeate, John$eformer owner.
7001#$aChenevix-Trench, Anthony$eformer owner.
Placeholder image - no image is available for this record