Minsheu, John.
Uniform title
[Hegemon eis tas glossas]
Hegemon eis tas glossas· id est, Ductor in linguas, The guide into tongues. Cum illarum harmonia, & etymologijs, originationibus, rationibus, & deriuationibus in omnibus his vndecim linguis, viz: 1. Anglica. 2. Cambro-Britanica. 3. Belgica. 4. Germanica. 5. Gallica. 6. Italica. 7. Hispanica. 8. Lusitanica seu Portugallica. 9. Latina. 10. Græca. 11. Hebrea, &c. Quæ etiam ita ordine, & sono consentientes, collocatæ sunt, vt facilimè & nullo labore, vnusquisq[ue] non solùm, quatuor, quinque, vel plures illarum, quàm optimè memoria tenere, verum etiam (per earum etymologias) sub nomine, naturam, proprietatem, conditionem, effectum, materiam, formam, vel finem rerum, rectè nosse queat; ... Opera, studio, industria, labore & sumptibus Iohannis Minshæi in lucem editum & impressum. Anno 1617. = The guide into the tongues. With their agreement and consent one with another, as also their etymologies, that is, the reasons and deriuations of all or the most part of wordes, in these eleuen languages ...
Varying form of title
Vocabularium Hispanicolatinum et Anglicum copiosissimum
Publication, distribution, etc.
[London :, printed by William Stansby and Eliot's Court Press] Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, & vendibiles extant Londini, apud Ioannem Browne bibliopolam in vico vocato little Brittaine. And are to be sold at Iohn Brownes shop a booke-seller...,, 1617.
Physical description
[16], 543, [1]; [188]p ;, 39cm.
Previously Fh.2.6 and ?Fh.2.1.
S%gnatures: pi² [superscript pi]A6 A-2Y6 2Z², ²pi² ²A-P6 ²Q². A dictionary of English, with definitions in ten languages. The words "1. Anglica. ... 5. Gallica." and "7. Hispanica. ... 11. Hebrea, &c." are bracketed together on title page. Printersames from STC and STC addendum. "Vocabularium Hispanicolatinum et Anglicum copiosissimum" has separate register (pi² A-P6 Q²) and title page with imprint "Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, & vendibiles extant Londini apud Ioannem Browne biliopolam in vico vocato little Brittaine. And are to be sold at Iohn Brownes shoppe a bookebinder in little Brittaine in London". In some copies "apud Iohn Browne ..." is left blank and is, sometimes, filled in in MS. For the additional list of subscribers see STC 17944a. Part II formerly STC 17949. "Vocabularium Hispanicolatinum" identified as STC 17949 on UMI microfilm reel 1248.
Imprint in full reads: "[London, printed by William Stansby and Eliot's Court Press] Cum gratia & priuilegio Regiæ Maiestatis, & vendibiles extant Londini, apud Ioannem Browne bibliopolam in vico vocato little Brittaine. And are to be sold at Iohn Brownes shop a booke-seller in little Brittaine in London, 1617].
Parallel title in Latin.
Citation/references note
STC (2nd ed.), 17944; ESTC S121927
Additional physical form available
Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1967, 1971. 1 microfilm reel; 35mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640; 1109:6, 1248:8).
Label recording donation to Eton by John Reynolds in 1751.
18th century blind-stamped calf.
English language, Dictionaries, Polyglot, Early works to 1800.
Spanish language, Dictionaries, English, Early works to 1800.
Spanish language, Dictionaries, Latin, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
Reynolds, John, former owner.
Added entry--name
Stansby, William, printer.
Added entry--name
Browne, John, bookseller?
Added entry--name
Browne, John, bookseller?
Added entry--place
England, London.