Boothby, Richard.
A breife discovery or description of the most famous island of Madagascar or St. Laurence in Asia neare unto East-India :, With relation of the healthfulnesse, pleasure, fertility and wealth of that country, comparable if not transcending all the easterne parts of the world, a very earthly paradise; a most fitting and desirable place, to settle an English colony and plantation there, rather then in any other part of the knowne world. Also the condition of the natives, there inhabiting, their affability, habit, weapons, and manner of living, the plenty, and cheapnesse of food, flesh, fish; and fowle, oringes and lemonds, sugar, amber-greece, gold, tortle-shels, and drugs and many other commodities fit for trade and commerce, to be had and gotten there at cheaper rates then in India or else where. Also trading from port to port all India and Asia over and the great profit gained thereby; the chiefest place in the world to inrich men by trade, ro [sic] and from India, Persia Moco, Achine, China, and other rich easterne kingdoms. It being the fittest place for a magazine or store-house of trade between Europe and Asia, farre exceeding all other plantations in America or else where. Also the excellent meanes and accommodation to fit the planters there, withall [sic] things needful and superfluous for back and belly ... By Richard Boothby, merchant.
Varying form of title
Briefe discovery or description of the most famous island of Madagascar or St. Laurence in Asia neare unto East-India
Varying form of title
Excellent encouragement for setling an English plantation at Madagascar in Asia
Publication, distribution, etc.
London :, printed by E[dward]. G[riffin]. for Iohn Hardesty at the signe of the Black-spread Eagle in Duck-Lane,, 1646.
Physical description
[12], 72, [2]p ;, 4to.
Previously Dh.6.3.
Printer's name from ESTC.
Running title reads: An excellent encouragement for setling an English plantation at Madagascar in Asia.
With a final errata leaf.
Bound with J. Cartwright "The preachers travels ...", 1611, T. James "The strange and dangerous voyage of Captaine Thomas Iames ...", 1633 and L. Foxe "North-west Fox, or, Fox from the North-west passage ...", 1635.
Final leaf = errata.
Ms. annotations (John Robin's hand?).
Citation/references note
ESTC R200937; Wing (CD-ROM, 1996), B3743; Thomason, E.342[17]
Additional physical form available
Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1977. 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm (Thomason Tracts; 55:E.342[17]).
Label recording bequest to Eton by Nicholas Mann in 1754.
Signature: "John Robins" (front pastedown).
17th century blind-stamped calf.
Nuku'alofa (Place), Description and travel, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
Griffin, Edward, printer.
Added entry--name
Mann, Nicholas, former owner.
Added entry--name
Hardesty, John, bookseller.
Added entry--place
England, London.