Pitts, John, Presbyter of the Church of England.
The character of a primitive bishop, in a letter to a non-juror. Wherein is contain'd, I. A Vindication of the Present Church of England, in Possession, from the Modern Imputation of Schism, on Account of the late Depriv'd Bishops. II. A Justification of the late Conduct of the said Depriv'd Bishops, as necessary in the late Circumstances of the Church, and conformable to the Primitive Practice of their truly glorious Predecessors, to Prevent a Schism. III. An Examination of a new Hypothesis, viz. Of keeping up, as they say, the Church, and Separation from the Publick Communion, after the Demise of the Depriv'd Bishops, by Presbyters, 'till they can procure new Consecrations, or a new Succession to head them, which is prov'd to be unnecessary, and contrary to all Rules of Christianity, the Canons and Practice of the Church, &c. In the Prosecution of which, IV. Many Arguments and Motives are Propos'd to the Separate Members of this Church, for their Return to the Publick Communion of it. The Second Edition, with an Appendix. By a presbyter of the Church of England.
The second edition, with an appendix.
Publication, distribution, etc.
London :, Printed: And sold by John Morphew near Stationers-Hall,, 1714.
Physical description
[16], 304p ;, 8vo.
A presbyter of the Church of England = John Pitts.
Citation/references note
ESTC T67811
Additional physical form available
Microfilm. Woodbridge, CT Research Publications, Inc., 1986. 1 reel ; 35mm. (The Eighteenth Century ; reel 5568, no. 1).