Additional copy shelfmark
[Additional copy]: Ep.3.01(03)
Mathias, Thomas James
The grove. A satire., By the author of The pursuits of literature. With notes, including various anecdotes of the King. His R. H. the Prince of Wales. His R. H. the Duke of York. The Stadtholder. Duke of Portland. Duke of Leeds. Duke of Dorset. Duke of Marlborough. Duke of Norfolk. Marquis of Lansdowne. Lord Jersey. Lord Mulgrave. Lord Derby. Lord Eardley. Lord Cawdor. Lord Lauderdale. Lord Macartney. Lord Kenyon. Bishop of Rochester. Lady Derby. Lady Jersey. Lady Wallace. Mad. Faniani. Mrs. Radcliffe. Mrs. Nicol. Mrs. Bennet. Mrs. Melmoth. Mrs. Robinson. Mother Johnson. Mrs. Atkins. Mrs. Siddons. Sig. Storace. Mrs. Inchbald. Mad. Hillisberg. Mad. Banti. Mad. Rose. Mrs. Powel. Mrs. Bland. Sir James Marriot. Sir W. Pulteney. Sir Charles Bunhury. Sir J. B. Burgess. Sir G. Staunton. Dr. Parr. Dr. Harvey. Dr. Walcot, a. P. P. Dr. Johnson. Rev. Mr. Nares. Right Hon. C. J. Fox. Right Hon. W. G. Hamilton. Alderman Boydell. Alderman Curtis. Colonel Hanger. Captain Morris. Captain Topham. Mr. Sheridan. Grey. Courtney. De Lolme. West. Pye, P. L. Sheridan, junr. Erskine. Herbert Croft. Stephens. Ireland. Malone. Dodsley. Nicol. Burke. Colman. Romney. Miles. Page to the Pr. Samuel Chifney. D'israeli, Reynolds. Gifford. David Williams. Dyer. Shields. Holcroft. J. Williams, a. A. P. Godwin. Taylor. Taylor, M. P. Barry. Ed. Hamley. King. The City Light Horse. The Rev. Mr. Rose. Mr. C. Thelluson. Porter. Isaac Swainson. Herriot. Pratt. Deputy Birch. Jerningham. Prince Hoare. Storace. Kelly. C. Phillips. Walter, Junr. Shum. Malton. Dibdin. Hewerdine. Bifield. Bell. Rose. Charles. Long. Arnold. Moore. Cavendish. Woodward. Bannister, Junr. Watson. Kemble. Wroughton. Boaden. Beckford. M. P. Andrews. Bate Dudley. Morton. Dignum. Holman. Harris. Knight. Lewis. Bowden. Haymes. Townsend. Munden, &c. &c.
Second edition.
Publication, distribution, etc.
London :, printed for the author; and sold by R. H. Westley, No. 201, Strand,, [1798]
Physical description
72 p. ;, 4to.
With a half-title.
Publication date from "Gentleman's magazine" 48:240 (March 1798, referring to first edition) and CBEL (fourth edition, also 1798).
The author of The pursuits of literature = Thomas James Mathias.
Price from imprint: Price three shillings.
Citation/references note
ESTC,, N26752
[Ep.3.01(02)]: Inscription on half-title: Martha Jones.
[Both copies]: Library stamp of Eton College Library on half-title, Eton College Library book label on half-title verso.
[Both copies]: Disbound.
Added entry--name
Westley, Robert Hall, bookseller.
Added entry--place
England, London.
Additional copy
[Additional copy]: Ep.3.01(03)