Fl.3.16-Fl.3.23, Fl.3.26-Fl.3.27
Additional copy shelfmark
[Continuation shelfmark:] Fl.3.26-Fl.3.27
Main entry - uniform title
Occasional paper
The occasional paper: number I. [-X.] ...
Varying form of title
Caption title: Occasional paper, in a letter to a friend
Publication, distribution, etc.
London :, Printed for M. Wotton, at the Three Daggers in Fleet-street.,, 1697. [-1698.].
Physical description
10 v. ;, 4to
By Richard Willis. Cf. NCBEL.
Each issue has a distinctive sub-title describing the contents.
Each issue except no. 2 has title-page and added caption title on first page of text; no. 2 has caption title only on p. 1.
Imprints include years of publication.
Advertisements at end of most issues.
Title pages within simple double-lined border.
Formatted contents note
Contents: No.1: Containing an account of the author's design. Together with some reflexions on a book, entituled, A letter to the Deists. In a letter to a friend. -- No.2: Concerning the late unfortunate death of J. H--en, Esq; With a short character of him; and a reflexion upon the heinousness of the sin of self-murther. -- No.3: Being reflexions on Mr. Toland's book, called Christianity not mysterious: with some considerations about the use of reason in matters of religion. In a letter to a friend. -- No.4: Containing reflexions on a book, entituled, The lady's religion; address'd to the honourable the Lady Hovvard. In a letter to the same lady. -- No.5: Containing a defence of the ministry and ministers of the Gospel; against the suggestions of some late writers. In a letter to a friend. With a post-script relating to the author of The reasonableness of Christianity. -- No.6: Containing some considerations about disputes in religion, and particularly those in which the Church of England is at present concern'd, for the preventing os the ill uses which divers endeavour to make of them in a letter to a friend. -- No.7: Shewing the usefulness of human learning in matters of religion; contrary to the suggestions of some sceptical men, in their late pamphlets. In a letter to a friend. -- No.8: Shewing the necessity of such a Christian discipline as is consistent with civil power; in opposition to the extremes on both sides. In a letter to a friend. -- No.9: Containing some considerations about the danger of going to plays. In a letter to a friend. -- No.10: Concerning seldf-murder. With some reflexions upon the verdicts often brought in of non compos mentis. In a letter to a friend.
Citation/references note
Nelson and Seccombe,, 462
Citation/references note
NCBEL,, II:1293
Citation/references note
ESTC,, P1843
Numbering peculiarities note
Publication irregular.
Numbering peculiarities note
Issues have imprint dates only.
Engraved armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731. Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College.
18th century sprinkled calf; border of blind double fillets; blind-tooled corner fleurons; five raised bands; red morocco spine label reading "Sermons & Occasional Papers".
Copy-specific note
No.1 inscribed in contemporary hand at foot of title: "By Dr W[illia]m Hayley, dean of Chichester".
Copy-specific note
No.2 inscribed in contemporary hand at head of caption title: "By Dr Gilbert Burnet B[isho]p of Sarum".
Copy-specific note
No.3 inscribed in contemporary hand at foot of title: "by Dr Willis prebendary of Westminster".
Copy-specific note
No.4 inscribed in contemporary hand at foot of title: "By Dr Lucas prebendary of Westminster".
Copy-specific note
No.5 inscribed in contemporary hand at foot of title: "By Dr Sam: Bradford: & the postscript by Dr W[illia]m Hayley dean of Chichester".
Copy-specific note
No.6 inscribed in contemporary hand at foot of title: "By Dr Trimnell".
Copy-specific note
No.8 inscribed in contemporary hand at foot of title: "By Dr Bradford".
Copy-specific note
No.9 inscribed in contemporary hand at foot of title: "By Dr Trimnell prebendary of Norwich".
Copy-specific note
No.10 inscribed in contemporary hand at foot of title: "By Mr Hodges fellow of Wadham College in Oxon".
Copy-specific note
Bound with 19 other items.
Copy-specific note
Ms. contents list on flyleaf: "Sermons & papers in this vol ...".
Copy-specific note
Previously Dn.3.13.
Toland, John, Christianity not mysterious.
Prideaux, Humphrey, Reasonableness of Christianity.
Prideaux, Humphrey, Letter to the Deists.
Lady's religion
Theology, Periodicals, Early works to 1800.
Suicide, Periodicals, Early works to 1800.
Theater, Moral and ethical aspects, Periodicals, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
Wotton, Matthew, publisher.
Added entry--name
Willis, Richard, attributed name.
Added entry--name
Waddington, Edward, former owner.
Added entry--name
Hayley, William, attributed name.
Added entry--name
Burnet, Gilbert, attributed name.
Added entry--name
Lucas, Richard, attributed name.
Added entry--name
Bradford, Samuel, attributed name.
Added entry--name
Trimnell, Charles, attributed name.
Added entry--place
England, London.
Additional copy
[Continuation shelfmark:] Fl.3.26-Fl.3.27