Language code
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo.
Uniform title
[De haeresibus]
D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis Episcopi liber De hæresibus, ad Quodvultdeum. Lamberti Danæi opera eme[n]datus, & commentarijs illustratus, à quo eodem additæ sunt hæreses ab orbe co[n]dito ad constitutum Papismum & Mahumetismum, etiam eæ quæ hîc erant ab Augustino prætermissæ. Accessit opera quadruplex index, vt non modò chronologiæ hæreson ratio, sed etiam quæ ex illis vtilitas percipi possit, intelligeretur, & à quibus in vnoquoque decalogi præcepto, symboli apostolici articulo, item disputatione de sacramentis sit erratum. In calce operis addita est arbor hæreseon, ex qua quomodo aliæ ex alijs natæ sint, & propagatæ, & vt sæpe vna quædam hydra plura capita produxerit, perspicuè docetur. Per eundem L. Danæum. Additus est præterea tractatus de ecclesia, vbi quibus sensim gradibus illa tandem in Papisticâ tyrannidem inciderit, ostendatur.
Varying form of title
D. Aurelii Augustini Hipponensis episcopi liber De haeresibus
Varying form of title
D. Avrelii Avgvstini Hipponensis Episcopi liber De haeresibus
Varying form of title
Portion of title: Liber De haeresibus, ad quodvultdeum
Publication, distribution, etc.
Geneuae, :, Apud Eusthium Vignon.,, M.D.LXXVI. [1576]
Physical description
[40], 291, [21] leaves, [1] folded leaf of plates :, geneal. table ;, 18 cm.
Signatures: ā⁸ ē⁸ ī⁸ ō⁸ ū⁸ a-z⁸ A-Q⁸ (ū8 blank).
Woodcuts: folded woodcut, t.p. ornament, initials, head- and tail-pieces. Description of folded woodcut from Adams.
Citation/references note
Adams,, A2202
Booklabel of John Reynolds, recording donation to Eton College in 1751.
Title page torn to remove ms. ex-libris inscription at head of title, identifiable as Thomas Summaster of All Souls' College, Oxford, with date and price of purchase obscured by Reynolds booklabel on front pastedown (see Fh.8.03).
Contemporary Oxford brown calf binding; blind thin and thick fillets and blind-stamped roll (Gibson XII) on covers; six raised bands; red morocco spine label; ms. pastedowns; holes for two pairs of ties; additional quires of six blank leaves at front and end; ms. fore-edge title "Danæus de heresib[us]".
The binding can be dated to 1575 or 1576, when this roll was in the possession of the Oxford booksellers Christopher and Robert Cavey.
Pastedowns are from a 14th-century ms. of scholastic philosophy (Ker, no. 1123).
Copy-specific note
Imperfect: wanting folded woodcut.
Copy-specific note
Previously Fa.6.15.
Heresies, Christian, Early works to 1800.
Manuscript waste., rbbin
Added entry--name
Vignon, Eustache, printer.
Added entry--name
Daneau, Lambert
Added entry--name
Summaster, Thomas, former owner.
Added entry--name
Reynolds, John, former owner.
Added entry--place
Switzerland, Geneva.