
Language code

gre, lat, lat




Nowell, Alexander

Uniform title

[Catechismus., Greek & Latin]


Katēchismos, ē prōtē paideusis tēs Christianōn eusebeias, tē te Hellēnōn k[a]i tē Rōmaiōn dialektō ekdotheisa. Catechismus, siue prima institutio, disciplinaq[ue] pietatis Christianæ, Græcè & Latinè explicata.

Varying form of title

Catechismvs, siue prima institutio, disciplinaq[ue] pietatis Christianæ, Græcè & Latinè explicata

Varying form of title

Parallel title: Catechismus, siue prima institutio, disciplinaq[ue] pietatis Christianæ, Græcè & Latinè explicata

Publication, distribution, etc.

Londini :, [apud Reginaldum Wolfium],, Anno Domini 1573.

Physical description

[8], 663, [1] p. ;, 14 cm.


Latin and Greek texts on facing pages.


The words "Katēchismos .. ekdotheisa" on title page are in Greek characters.


Anonymous. By Alexander Nowell.


Includes a Greek translation by William Whitaker.


The so-called Larger catechism.


Printer's name from colophon.


Signatures: [cross]⁴ A-2S⁸ 2T⁴.


Initials; tail-pieces.

Citation/references note

ESTC,, S113380

Citation/references note

STC (2nd ed.),, 18707


Engraved armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington inside back cover, recording donation to Eton College in 1731. Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College.


Verso of final prelim. leaf with ms. inscription: John Johnson his booke.


?18th-century sprinkled sheep; border of blind double fillets; four sewing supports; red morocco spine label in second compartment; ms. spine title in first compartment.

Copy-specific note

Imperfect: wanting the title leaf (sig. [cross]1), and with duplicates of leaves [cross]2 and [cross]3.

Copy-specific note

Extensive marginalia in Greek and Latin, chiefly biblical references.

Copy-specific note

Bound with: Catechismus paruus pueris primùm qui ediscatur, proponendus in scholis Latinè & Græcè [i.e. the Shorter catechism]. Londini : apud Iohannem Dayum, 1584.

Copy-specific note

Previously Eb.7.06.


Church of England


Catechisms, Greek, Early works to 1800.


Catechisms, Latin, Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Wolfe, Reyner, printer.

Added entry--name

Whitaker, William, translator.

Added entry--place

England, London.
1001#$aNowell, Alexander
24010$aCatechismus.$lGreek & Latin
24510$aKatēchismos, ē prōtē paideusis tēs Christianōn eusebeias, tē te Hellēnōn k[a]i tē Rōmaiōn dialektō ekdotheisa. Catechismus, siue prima institutio, disciplinaq[ue] pietatis Christianæ, Græcè & Latinè explicata.
2463#$aCatechismvs, siue prima institutio, disciplinaq[ue] pietatis Christianæ, Græcè & Latinè explicata
24631$aCatechismus, siue prima institutio, disciplinaq[ue] pietatis Christianæ, Græcè & Latinè explicata
260##$aLondini :$b[apud Reginaldum Wolfium],$cAnno Domini 1573.
300##$a[8], 663, [1] p. ;$c14 cm.
500##$aThe words "Katēchismos .. ekdotheisa" on title page are in Greek characters.
500##$aAnonymous. By Alexander Nowell.
500##$aIncludes a Greek translation by William Whitaker.
500##$aThe so-called Larger catechism.
500##$aPrinter's name from colophon.
500##$aSignatures: [cross]⁴ A-2S⁸ 2T⁴.
500##$aInitials; tail-pieces.
5104#$aSTC (2nd ed.),$c18707
546##$aLatin and Greek texts on facing pages.
561##$aEngraved armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington inside back cover, recording donation to Eton College in 1731. Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College.
561##$aVerso of final prelim. leaf with ms. inscription: John Johnson his booke.
563##$a?18th-century sprinkled sheep; border of blind double fillets; four sewing supports; red morocco spine label in second compartment; ms. spine title in first compartment.
590##$aImperfect: wanting the title leaf (sig. [cross]1), and with duplicates of leaves [cross]2 and [cross]3.
590##$aExtensive marginalia in Greek and Latin, chiefly biblical references.
590##$aBound with: Catechismus paruus pueris primùm qui ediscatur, proponendus in scholis Latinè & Græcè [i.e. the Shorter catechism]. Londini : apud Iohannem Dayum, 1584.
590##$aPreviously Eb.7.06.
61020$aChurch of England
650#0$aCatechisms, Greek$vEarly works to 1800.
650#0$aCatechisms, Latin$vEarly works to 1800.
7001#$aWolfe, Reyner$eprinter.
7001#$aWhitaker, William$etranslator.
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