Language code
lat, grc, grc
Theodoret, Bishop of Cyrrhus.
Uniform title
[Dialogi tres contra quasdam haereses., Latin & Greek]
Theodōrētou Episkopou Kyrou Atreptos dialogos 1 [-3]. Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri Dialogus primus [-tertius]. Romani exemplaris collatione multò nunc, quàm antehac, correctior & emendatior. Cum versione Victorini Strigelij, in capita XXIIX. tributus: perpetua analysi logica expositus, locis Scriptur[a]e, & selectissimis tàm Græcorum, quàm Latinorum Patrum sententijs illustratus, & ad controuersias nostræ tempestatis rectè intelligendas & dijudicandas accommodatus a Marco Beumlero Tigurino. Accessit index geminus rerum & verborum totius operis.
Varying form of title
Portion of title: Atreptos dialogos 1 [-3]
Varying form of title
Parallel title: Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri Dialogus primus [-tertius]
Varying form of title
Theodoreti Episcopi Cyri Dialogvs primvs [-tertivs]
Publication, distribution, etc.
Tiguri, :, Apud Ioannem VVolphium.,, M.D.XCIII.-M.D.XCIIII. [1593-1594]
Physical description
3 v. ([12], 136; [12], 179, [1]; [8], 168, [4] leaves) ;, 17 cm.
Greek and Latin in parallel columns.
Each volume has special title page only.
Originally published in Rome, 1547, under the title: Dialogoi treis kata tinōn haireseōn = Dialogi tres contra quasdam haereses.
Signatures: v. 1. a⁸ b⁴ (b4 blank) A-R⁸; v. 2. A⁸ B⁴ a-y⁸ z⁴; v. 3. a⁸ Aa-Xx⁸ **⁴.
Citation/references note
Adams,, T496 - T498
Ms. inscription on title-page recording donation to Eton College Library by Henry Godolphin in 1730. Henry Godolphin (1648-1733) was at Eton College 1660-1664, became a Fellow in 1677, and Provost in 1695.
Ms. inscription on title-page "R. Widdrington", i.e. Ralph Widdrington of Christ's College, many of whose books were acquired by Provost Godolphin.
Oxford binding ca. 1600 with blind-stamped centre-piece (Ker no. xii); four raised bands; remains of red morocco spine label; ms. fore-edge title "Theodoreti Dialog.".
Copy-specific note
ECL copy has sheets B⁴ and z⁴ intermixed at the end of "Dialogus secundus"; see also copy at St John's College, Cambridge (cf. Adams, T497).
Copy-specific note
Three volumes bound in one.
Copy-specific note
Ms. annotations on binding leaf at end.
Copy-specific note
Previously Ad.7.18.
Jesus Christ
Added entry--name
Strigel, Victorinus
Added entry--name
Beumler, Marcus
Added entry--name
Wolf, Johannes, printer.
Added entry--name
Godolphin, Henry, former owner.
Added entry--name
Widdrington, Ralph, former owner.
Added entry--place
Switzerland, Zurich.