Chillingworth, William
Uniform title
[Religion of Protestants a safe way to salvation., Abridgment]
Mr. Chillingworth's book called The religion of Protestants a safe way to salvation, :, made more generally useful by omitting personal contests, but inserting whatsoever concerns the common cause of Protestants, or defends the Church of England. /, With an addition of some genuine pieces of Mr. Chillingworth's never before printed. Isaac. Casaub. in Ep. ad. Card. Perron. reg. Jac. nomine scripta. Rex arbitratur rerum absolutè necessariarum ad salutem non magnum esse numerum. ... Atque istam distinctionem sereniss. Rex tanti putat esse momenti ad minuendas controversias, quæ hodie Ecclesiam Dei tantopere exercent, ut omnium pacis studiosorum judicet officium esse, diligentissmè hanc explicare, docere, urgere..
Publication, distribution, etc.
London, :, Printed for R. Chiswell, at the Rose and Crown in S. Pauls Church-Yard, C. Harper, at the Flower de-Luce in Fleetstreet, W. Crook, at the Green-Dragon without Temple-Bar, and J. Adamson at the Angel in S. Paul's Church-Yard.,, 1687..
Physical description
[8], 144, 153-176, 169-408, 7, [17], 134, [2] p. ;, 20 cm.
Edited by John Patrick.
In part a reply to "Mercy and truth" by Edward Knott and to "The Dialogues of William Richworth" by William Rushworth.
"Out of Mr. Chillingworth's manuscript. A letter to Mr. Lewgar" (caption title) begins new pagination on [S]1. This quire [S]⁴ is inserted between Quires Fff and Hhh.
"Additional discourses of Mr. Chillingworth never before printed" has separate dated title page with Richard Chiswell's name in imprint, and begins new pagination on ²B1. It was apparently also issued separately in the same year (Wing C3883).
"An ansvver to some passages in Rushworths Dialogues" (which follows "Additional discourses of Mr. Chillingworth never before printed") has separate dated title page with "printed for James Adamson" in imprint; pagination and register are continuous.
Signatures: A-Z⁴ Aa-Zz⁴ Aaa-Fff⁴, [S]⁴, Hhh⁴ Iii², ²A² ²B-²S⁴ (²S4 blank).
Identified as Wing P730 on UMI microfilm "Early English books, 1641-1700 reel 894.
Title enclosed within double line border.
Citation/references note
Wing (2nd ed., 1994),, C3885
Citation/references note
ESTC,, R21891
Engraved armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731. Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College.
17th-century blind-panelled brown calf with sprinkled outer frame; five raised bands; blind-ruled spine compartments; gilt rule on board edges; traces of spine label.
Copy-specific note
ECL copy: Signature of leaf [S]1 corrected in ms. to "Ggg".
Copy-specific note
Previously Ee.5.26.
Rushworth, William, Dialogues.
Knott, Edward, Mercy and truth.
Catholic Church
Protestantism, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
Adamson, James, publisher.
Added entry--name
Crooke, William, publisher.
Added entry--name
Harper, Charles, publisher.
Added entry--name
Chiswell, Richard, publisher.
Added entry--name
Patrick, John, editor.
Added entry--name
Waddington, Edward, former owner.
Added entry--place
England, London.