R. H, author.
Two discourses concerning the adoration of our B· Saviour in the H· Eucharist· The first: Animadversions upon the alterations of the rubrick in the communion-service in the Common-prayer-book of the Church of England. The second: The Catholicks defence for their adoration of our Lord, as believed really and substantially present in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist.
Publication, distribution, etc.
At Oxford printed, :, [s.n.],, Anno 1687.
Physical description
[8], 33, [1]; [6], 38, [2] p. ;, 24 cm.
Attributed to Abraham Woodhead, who sometimes signed his works "R.H.".
Woodcut ornaments (two angels) on the general title-page and on title-page to the second discourse.
The woodcuts and ornaments indicate that the printer was Leonard Lichfield. The publisher may have been Woodhead's executor, Obadiah Walker (cf. ODNB).
"Animadversions upon the alterations of the rubrick in the communion-service in the Common-prayer-book of the Church of England" has divisional half-title page with woodcut ornament on leaf A2r.
"The Catholicks defence, for their adoration of the body and blood of our Lord, as believed really and substantially present in the holy sacrament of the Eucharist" has separate dated title page with woodcut ornaments and imprint "At Oxford, printed Anno 1687" on leaf F2r and begins new pagination; register is continuous.
Signatures: A-L⁴ (L4 blank).
Woodcut head-piece.
Another edition bears the same imprint and date, but there are no woodcuts on the title-page and the first text concludes on page 32.
Citation/references note
ESTC,, R201005
Citation/references note
Wing,, W3459A
Engraved armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731. Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College.
18th-century brown calf; two inner frames formed of blind double fillets with corner fleurons; outer border of blind double fillets; rebacked in 20th-century calf.
Copy-specific note
Ms. note on title-page in an 18th-century hand: By Abr: Woodhead.
Copy-specific note
Bound with: R.H. Two discourses. The first, concerning the spirit of Martin Luther, and the original of the Reformation. The second, concerning the celibacy of the clergy. Oxford : [s.n.], 1687.
Copy-specific note
Previously: Ee.5.24.
Church of England, Book of common prayer.
Transubstantiation, Early works to 1800.
Lord's Supper, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
R. H, Catholicks defence, for their adoration of the body and blood of our Lord.
Added entry--name
Walker, Obadiah, publisher.
Added entry--name
Lichfield, Leonard, printer.
Added entry--name
R. H, Animadversions upon the alterations of the rubrick in the communion-service in the Common-prayer-book of the Church of England.
Added entry--name
Waddington, Edward, former owner.
Added entry--place
England, Oxford.