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James, Thomas
An account of King’s College-Chapel, in Cambridge; (embellished with a plate of the chapel: and a print of the author executed by a Gentleman of the University ) Including a character of Henry VI. And a short History of the Foundation of his two Colleges, King’s and Eton: And containing, though briefly, the following Articles: I. An Extract of the Founder’s Will, relating to the finishing of the Chapel; (with a Digression concerning the intended College) II. A particular Relation of the Progress of that Edisice, under the Reigns of those Kings who contributed to complete it. III. The original Use of the Vestries on each Side of the Building. - Some very ancient Inscriptions on the Tomb-Stones within them. - A remarkable Epitaph. IV. An accurate Description of whatever is worthy of Notice within the Chapel. - Wonderful Structure of the Stone-Roof: which occasions a Mention of the original Secret of Free-Masons, and some few Particulars concerning that Society. With V. A Full Explanation of all the curious Paintings on the Windows: in the Course of which is shewn the Correspondence between the historical Paintings drawn from the Old Testament and those taken from the New. To which is added, a list of all the provosts, bishops, Statesmen, learned Writers, Martyrs and Confessors, who were formerly Members of King’s College; extracted partly from Fuller’s Church-History of Britain. - The Author’s Apology and grateful Acknowledgments to his Subscribers. - With Copies of several ancient Indentures, setting forth an Account of many different Sums of Money expended on finishing and glazing the Chapel. - Each particular Beauty of the Windows remarked. By Henry Malden, Chapel-Clerk.
Publication, distribution, etc.
Cambridge :, printed for the author, by Fletcher and Hodson; and sold by J. Woodyer, T. and J. Merrill, R. Matthews, J. Paris, Fletcher and Hodson, and by the author, at the Sign of the Hat, in the Butcher-Row, Cambridge ; J. Beecroft, S. Crowder, J. Johnson and Co. in Pater-Noster-Row, J. Rivington, St. Paul’s Church-yard, B. White, Fleet-Street, T. Payne, Mews, and J. Dodsley, Pall-Mall, London; J. Pote, at Eton; J. Blakeney, at Windsor; and by all the Booksellers in Town and Country,, 1769.
Physical description
96 p. :, plates, port. ;, 21 cm.
In fact by Thomas James.
Citation/references note
ESTC,, T66355
[Ib2.5.20] Armorial bookplate of F. Manley Sims.
[Ib2.5.20] Bookplate of Edward Hailstone.
[Ib2.5.21] Armorial bookplate of Lewis Vernon Harcourt.
[Ib2.5.22] Armorial bookplate with a motto: "Heb Dduw heb ddim Duw a digon".
[Ib2.5.22] ?Monogram on front free endpaper verso.
[Ib2.5.22] Ms. inscription on title page: "J. Church. Jul: 20 1771. Given me by Mr. St: Soame, I lost time I [...] to him! And by Mr. Church sent to Mrs. Soame Jan[ua]ry 26th 1785".
[Ib2.5.20] 19th century green calf quarter-binding; boards covered in marbled paper.
[Ib2.5.21] 19th century teal calf half-binding; boards covered in marbled paper; marbled endpapers; gilt top edge.
[Ib2.5.22] 18th century brown calf binding; gold tooled fillets around the perimeter with gold tooled fleurons in each corner; gold tooled spine and outer edges of the boards; red sprinkled edges; marbled endpapers; three single cord sewing supports; five raised bands; endbands.
Copy-specific note
[Ib2.5.22] Booksellers label on front endpaper reading: "Sold by C. B. Brown High Street Maidstone".
Added entry--name
Malden, Henry
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Manley Sims, F, former owner.
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Hailstone, Edward, former owner.
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Harcourt, Lewis Vernon, former owner.
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Dodsley, James, bookseller.
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Pote, Joseph, bookseller.
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Payne, Thomas, bookseller.
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Fletcher and Hodson, printer,, bookseller.
Added entry--place
England, Cambridge.
Additional copy
Additional copy