
Language code



Fg.3.01 - Fg.3.02


Ambrose, Saint, Bishop of Milan,

Collective uniform title

Works, 1567


Omnia quotquot extant D. Ambrosij Episcopi Mediolanensis opera, primum per Des. Erasmum Roterodamum, mox per Sig. Gelenium, deinde per alios eruditos uiros diligenter castigata: nunc uerò postremùm per Ioannem Costerium, ad plurium antiquorum codicum collatione[m], plus bis mille erroribus sublatis, præter integros uersus pluribus locis desideratos, quos nunc adiecit, ita emendata, ut superioribus editionibus, ubicunq[ue] gentium euulgatis, longè præstare æquus lector, si uel unicum tantùm librum cum superioribus impressionibus contulerit, facile dijudicet. Quæ singulis tomis contineantur, cùm catalogus eorum post uitam D. Ambrosij succedens, tum epistolæ Erasmi, cuilibet sectioni seorsum præmissæ docebunt. Index geminus sub finem operis, adiectus est foecundissimus.

Varying form of title

Omnia quotquot extant D. Ambrosii Episcopi Mediolanensis opera

Varying form of title

Omnia qvotqvot extant D. Ambrosii Episcopi Mediolanensis opera

Publication, distribution, etc.

Basileae, :, Per Eusebium Episcopium, et Haeredes Nicolai Episcopij.,, M.D.LXVII. [1567]

Physical description

5 pts. in 2 v. ([48], 176; 191, [1]; 366, [2]; 766, [2]; 455, [145] p.) ;, 33 cm.


Printer's name from colophon at end of pt. 5: 'Basileae, Per Eusebium Episcopium, et Haeredes Nicolai Episcopii. Anno salutis humanae M. D. LXVII.'. Colophon at end of pts. 3 and 4 varies slightly.


Parts 2, 3, 4 and 5 each have separate title page: pts. 2-3: 'Secundus[-Tertius] tomus diui Ambrosij operum, ...'; pts. 4-5: 'Quartus[-Quintus] tomus divi Ambrosii, Mediolanensis Episcopi, operum, ...'.


Woodcut printer's devices on title-pages of each volume and last pages of pts. 3-5.


Woodcut initials; printed marginal notes.

Citation/references note

Adams,, A942


Booklabel of John Reynolds, recording donation to Eton College in 1751.


16th-century brown calf over bevelled wooden boards; inner frame of three bands, the two outermost composed of a crested roll with Tudor emblems (crown, pomegranate, daisy, portcullis, pomegranate, rose: cf. Oldham EBSB Tca(3) no. 914, used twice) and the innermost composed of a roll with half-length figures ("VENVS" holding an apple, "IVNO", "PALLAS" and "PARIS", the panel with Pallas dated 1539); outer and inner borders of blind fillets joined at corners; remains of two pairs of brass clasps; five raised bands; black morocco spine-label in top compartment.


The roll with Tudor emblems is English, but the roll with figures is German; cf. Haebler. Rollen- und Plattenstempel des XVI. Jahrhunderts, II, p. 13 no. 3.

Copy-specific note

Previously: Fa.1.15-Fa.1.16.


Theology, Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Gelen, Sigmund, editor.

Added entry--name

Erasmus, Desiderius, editor.

Added entry--name

Coster, Joannes, editor.

Added entry--name

Episcopius, Eusebius, printer.

Added entry--name

Reynolds, John, former owner.

Added entry--name

Haeredes Nicolai Episcopii, printer.

Added entry--place

Switzerland, Basel.
096##$aFg.3.01 - Fg.3.02
1000#$aAmbrose$cSaint, Bishop of Milan,
24510$aOmnia quotquot extant D. Ambrosij Episcopi Mediolanensis opera, primum per Des. Erasmum Roterodamum, mox per Sig. Gelenium, deinde per alios eruditos uiros diligenter castigata: nunc uerò postremùm per Ioannem Costerium, ad plurium antiquorum codicum collatione[m], plus bis mille erroribus sublatis, præter integros uersus pluribus locis desideratos, quos nunc adiecit, ita emendata, ut superioribus editionibus, ubicunq[ue] gentium euulgatis, longè præstare æquus lector, si uel unicum tantùm librum cum superioribus impressionibus contulerit, facile dijudicet. Quæ singulis tomis contineantur, cùm catalogus eorum post uitam D. Ambrosij succedens, tum epistolæ Erasmi, cuilibet sectioni seorsum præmissæ docebunt. Index geminus sub finem operis, adiectus est foecundissimus.
2463#$aOmnia quotquot extant D. Ambrosii Episcopi Mediolanensis opera
2463#$aOmnia qvotqvot extant D. Ambrosii Episcopi Mediolanensis opera
260##$aBasileae, :$bPer Eusebium Episcopium, et Haeredes Nicolai Episcopij.,$cM.D.LXVII. [1567]
300##$a5 pts. in 2 v. ([48], 176; 191, [1]; 366, [2]; 766, [2]; 455, [145] p.) ;$c33 cm.
500##$aPrinter's name from colophon at end of pt. 5: 'Basileae, Per Eusebium Episcopium, et Haeredes Nicolai Episcopii. Anno salutis humanae M. D. LXVII.'. Colophon at end of pts. 3 and 4 varies slightly.
500##$aParts 2, 3, 4 and 5 each have separate title page: pts. 2-3: 'Secundus[-Tertius] tomus diui Ambrosij operum, ...'; pts. 4-5: 'Quartus[-Quintus] tomus divi Ambrosii, Mediolanensis Episcopi, operum, ...'.
500##$aWoodcut printer's devices on title-pages of each volume and last pages of pts. 3-5.
500##$aWoodcut initials; printed marginal notes.
561##$aBooklabel of John Reynolds, recording donation to Eton College in 1751.
563##$a16th-century brown calf over bevelled wooden boards; inner frame of three bands, the two outermost composed of a crested roll with Tudor emblems (crown, pomegranate, daisy, portcullis, pomegranate, rose: cf. Oldham EBSB Tca(3) no. 914, used twice) and the innermost composed of a roll with half-length figures ("VENVS" holding an apple, "IVNO", "PALLAS" and "PARIS", the panel with Pallas dated 1539); outer and inner borders of blind fillets joined at corners; remains of two pairs of brass clasps; five raised bands; black morocco spine-label in top compartment.
563##$aThe roll with Tudor emblems is English, but the roll with figures is German; cf. Haebler. Rollen- und Plattenstempel des XVI. Jahrhunderts, II, p. 13 no. 3.
590##$aPreviously: Fa.1.15-Fa.1.16.
650#0$aTheology$vEarly works to 1800.
7001#$aGelen, Sigmund$eeditor.
7001#$aErasmus, Desiderius$eeditor.
7001#$aCoster, Joannes$eeditor.
7001#$aEpiscopius, Eusebius$eprinter.
7001#$aReynolds, John$eformer owner.
7102#$aHaeredes Nicolai Episcopii$eprinter.
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