Language code
lat, grc
Veterum aliquot de arte rhetorica traditiones, de tropis in primis & schematis uerborum & sententiaru[m] non asperna[n]da me hercle opuscula, nu[n]c primum in lucem ædita, cu[m] quibusdam alijs, quoru[m] ordo sequenti pagella describitur..
Varying form of title
Vetervm aliqvot de arte rhetorica traditiones
Publication, distribution, etc.
In inclyta Basilea :, In aedibus Ioannis Frobenii,,, an. M.D.XXI. [1521]
Physical description
231, [1] p. ;, 21 cm.
Text in Latin; printed side-notes mostly in Greek.
Printer's name from colophon, which reads: Basilae in aedibus Ioannis Frobeniim mense Ianuario. Anno M. D. XXI.
Title in ornamental border, as the text on leaves a2r and a3r; note in ECL card catalogue attribues woodcut borders to Holbein.
Mispaginations: p. 80 and 174 incorrectly numbered 88 and 164.
Woodcut initials; woodcut device at head of colophon.
Formatted contents note
Contents: Contents (from verso of title page): Rutilij Lupi de figuris sententiarum & elocutionis libri II -- Rhomani Aquilæ de nominibus figurarum & exemplis liber I -- Iulij Rufiniani de figuris sententiarum & elocutionis libri I -- Sulpitij Victoris oratoriarum institutionu[m] præcepta, ad M. Silonem -- Autoris incerti de rhetocia liber -- Aurelij Augustini de musica libellus -- Emporij Rhetoris de Ethopœia ac loco co[m]muni liber -- Aphthonij præexercitamenta, Ioanne Maria Catanæo interprete.
Citation/references note
Adams,, R967
Booklabel of John Reynolds, recording donation to Eton College in 1751.
16th-century Oxford blind-panelled calf binding; border composed of a roll with twining flowers; panel divided horizontally by the same roll; in each half of the panel a panel-stamp with a border of twining flowers, a fleur-de-lys at each corner and within a Tudor rose, surrounded by flowers; four raised bands; traces of clasps; later spine-label.
Note in ECL card catalogue: The roll is from Oxford. It is dated by Gibson 1510 to 1520. Oldham (EBSB. FLa(3). No. 706) gives it as used alone from 1500 to 1521 and with two different "lattice-stamps" on books dated 1500 to 1517. He gives two examples with a panel-stamp. Ker gives examples of it used alone on books dated 1489 to 1523. He says it was probably first used between 1515 and 1520 (Ker p. 203). For another binding with this roll see Fg.3.12.
Copy-specific note
Bound with three contemporary works on rhetoric.
Copy-specific note
Previously Fl.5.02(01).
Rhetoric, Ancient, Early works to 1800.
Greek language, Figures of speech, Early works to 1800.
Latin language, Figures of speech, Early works to 1800.
Orators, Greece, Early works to 1800.
Speeches, addresses, etc., Greek, History and criticism, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
Reynolds, John, former owner.
Added entry--name
Froben, Johann, printer.
Added entry--name
Cattaneo, Giovanni Maria
Added entry--name
Rutilius Lupus, Publius, chemata dianoeas et lexeos.
Added entry--name
Rufinianus, Julius, De figuris sententiarum et elocutionis.
Added entry--name
Rufinianus, Julius, De schematis lexeos.
Added entry--name
Rufinianus, Julius, De schematis dianoeas.
Added entry--name
Sulpicius, Victor, Oratoriarum institutionum praecepta ad M. Silonem.
Added entry--name
Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo., De musica.
Added entry--name
Emporius, Orator., De ethopoeia ac loco communi liber.
Added entry--name
Aphthonius, Progymnasmata., Latin.
Added entry--place
Switzerland, Basel.