

En.2.01 - En.2.10


Clarke, Samuel


Sermons on the following subjects, :, viz. Of faith in God. Of the unity of God. Of the eternity of God. Of the spirituality of God. Of the immutability of God. Of the omnipresence of God. Of the omnipotence of God. Of the omniscience of God. Of the wisdom of God. Of the goodness of God. Of the patience of God. Of the justice of God. /, By Samuel Clarke, ... Published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, ... Vol. I. [-X.] With a preface, giving some account of the life, writings, and characters, of the author: by Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Salisbury.


The second edition, corrected.

Publication, distribution, etc.

London, :, Printed by W. Botham, for James and John Knapton, at the Crown in St Paul's church-yard.,, MDCCXXX. [1730-1731]

Physical description

10 v. :, port. ;, 8vo.


Woodcut ornaments: initials, head- and tail-pieces.


Volumes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 with final pages of advertisements.


On the title pages the lists of subjects in each volume are printed in double columns.


Vol. 1 has an engraved frontispiece portrait of Samuel Clarke signed: 'G. Vertue sculp.'


The imprint to vol. 4 omits the printer's name.


Pagination: v.1: [12], l, [2], 416, [4] p.; v.2: [8], 408 p.; v.3: [8], 392 p.; v.4: [8], 420, [4] p.; v.5: [8], 414, [2] p.; v.6: [8], 445, [3] p.; v.7: [8], 413, [3] p.; v.8: [8], 431, [1] p.; v.9: [8], 456 p.; v.10: [8], 361, [91] p.


The contents listed on each title page vary.


Vols. 1-6 are dated "MDCCXXX"; vols. 7-10, dated 1731.

Formatted contents note

Contents: v.2: Of the glory of God. Of God's being the father of mankind. Of being the children of God. Of loving God. Of the fear of God. Of the wisdom of being religious. Of imitating the holiness of God. Of the love of God towards sinners. Of believing in God. Of the grace of God. Of the kingdom of God. -- v.3: Of the liberty of moral agents. A virtuous mind the best help to understand true religion. The practice of morality leads to the practice of the gospel. The character of a good man. The nature of humane actions. How to judge of moral actions. The nature of religious truths. Of Christ's calling sinners to repentance. The excellency of moral's qualifications. Of humility. Of poverty of spirit. Of the virtue of charity. The nature of relative duties. The inconsistency of the love of God, with the love of the world. The folly of mocking at sin. -- v.4: Of that belief which is necessary to baptism. The design and end of baptism is newness of life. Of being baptized into the name of any person. The nature, end, and design of the Holy Communion. Of the Catholick Church of Christ. Of the number of those that shall be saved. The qualifications of those that shall be saved. That the terms of salvation are offered to all men. The qualifications necessary to receive the terms of salvation. Mens not accepting the terms of salvation is from themselves. Of the nature of the true Christian zeal. -- v.5: The miraculous birth of Christ. The prediction of the Messiah. The character of the Messiah. Of the fulness of time in which Christ appeared. Of the meaning of, the name of God. The doctrines of religion reasonable to be believed. Unreasonable expectations not to be gratified in religion. How the law is said to be the strength of sin. How Christ has enabled us to conquer sin. How Christ has given us the victory over death. The inexcusableness of rejecting the Gospel. Different tempers judge differently of religion. Of the resurrection of Christ. Of Christ's descent into hell. Of Christ's sitting on the right hand of God. The conversation of Christians is in heaven. Of the spiritual nature of God. -- v.6: Of the sin against the Holy Ghost. Of receiving the Holy Ghost. Of the power and authority of Christ. Of the different gifts of the spirit. Of the desire of knowledge. Of the testimony of our Saviour's temptation. The shortness and vanity of humane life. Of resignation to the divine will in afflication. The end of God's afflicting men. The event of things not always answerable to second causes. The practice of wickedness generally attended with great evil. The character of oppressive power in religion. Providential deliverances from slavery. Of the duty of charity. Of the necessity of offences arising against the gospel. -- v.7: Against persecution for religion. Against false pretences to religion. Every man is principally to regard his own proper duty. The folly of losing one's soul to gain the whole world. Of the necessity of holiness. Holiness of life the most acceptable sacrifice of God. Of the unchangeable difference of good and evil. Of the nature of moral and positive duties. Of the difficulty of arriving at truth. Of the nature of religious faith. In what the kingdom of God consists. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus explained. Of the equitable distribution of things at the last day. Of God's disposing all things to their proper ends. Of a future judgement. That every man shall finally receive according tohis works. Of future rewards and punishments. -- v.8: How wicked men are of the devil. The difference betwixt living after the flesh and after the spirit. Of the sins of profaneness. Against profaning the name of God. How wicked men are deceived to their destruction. The design of the gospel is to separate the good from the bad. Scripture-evidence sufficient to make men religious. The scripture a sufficient rule of religion. The knowledge of sin is by the law. Reason the judge of religious actions. Of the nature of temptations. Of the nature of lying. Uprightness a man's greatest security. Religion consists in keeping the commandments only. Of suffering upon the account of religion. Of the nature of the sufferings of Christ. Of the humiliation and sufferings of Christ. The method of deliverance through Christ. -- v.9: Men have natural abilities of knowing God. The wisdom of God in the redemption of man. Of the hopes of happiness through Christ. Of the fundamentals of Christianity. Christians ought to endeavour to attain perfection. The reward of justice. The abounding of iniquity the cause of its abounding more. The wickedness of Christians no argument against Christianity. God will reward all men according to their deserts. Of the deceitfulness of sin. That true Christians are free from all habits of sin. That mens true happiness consists in the favour of God. That godliness generally makes men happy in this life. Perseverance in religion the only title to the reward of it. Different degrees of sinners differently to be treated. Of the duty of prayer. -- v.10: Against too great anxiety in worldly matters. Of forgiveness of injuries. Of the nature and end of the Sabbath. The parable of the sower explained. The end and design of the Jewish law. The practice of virtue the greatest security against our enemies. Of the nature and extent of false witness. Of the sin of deliberate fraud. Of the heinousness of the sin of willful murder. Of the several sorts of hypocrisy. Who are the true chruch of God. Rebellion against God as malignant as witchcraft. All sin proceeds from some misapprehensions of God. Of religious melancholy. Of publickly denouncing curses upon sinners.

Citation/references note

ESTC,, T155510


Armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731.


Armorial bookplate of Eton College.


Contemporary sprinkled calf; blind tooled double fillet and swag roll frames, with diamond fleurons at each corner; gold tooled fillet and fleurons on spine; green morocco spine labels; red sprinkled edges; five raised bands.

Copy-specific note

Previous shelfmarks: Ed.7.17, Fq.7.1.


Lord's Supper, Early works to 1800.


Baptism, Early works to 1800.


Sermons, Early works to 1800.

Added entry--name

Botham, W, printer.

Added entry--name

Vertue, George, engraver.

Added entry--name

Hoadly, Benjamin

Added entry--name

Waddington, Edward, former owner.

Added entry--name

James and John Knapton, bookseller.

Added entry--place

England, London.
096##$aEn.2.01 - En.2.10
1001#$aClarke, Samuel
24510$aSermons on the following subjects, :$bviz. Of faith in God. Of the unity of God. Of the eternity of God. Of the spirituality of God. Of the immutability of God. Of the omnipresence of God. Of the omnipotence of God. Of the omniscience of God. Of the wisdom of God. Of the goodness of God. Of the patience of God. Of the justice of God. /$cBy Samuel Clarke, ... Published from the author's manuscript, by John Clarke, ... Vol. I. [-X.] With a preface, giving some account of the life, writings, and characters, of the author: by Benjamin, Lord Bishop of Salisbury.
250##$aThe second edition, corrected.
260##$aLondon, :$bPrinted by W. Botham, for James and John Knapton, at the Crown in St Paul's church-yard.,$cMDCCXXX. [1730-1731]
300##$a10 v. :$bport. ;$c8vo.
500##$aWoodcut ornaments: initials, head- and tail-pieces.
500##$aVolumes 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 with final pages of advertisements.
500##$aOn the title pages the lists of subjects in each volume are printed in double columns.
500##$aVol. 1 has an engraved frontispiece portrait of Samuel Clarke signed: 'G. Vertue sculp.'
500##$aThe imprint to vol. 4 omits the printer's name.
500##$aPagination: v.1: [12], l, [2], 416, [4] p.; v.2: [8], 408 p.; v.3: [8], 392 p.; v.4: [8], 420, [4] p.; v.5: [8], 414, [2] p.; v.6: [8], 445, [3] p.; v.7: [8], 413, [3] p.; v.8: [8], 431, [1] p.; v.9: [8], 456 p.; v.10: [8], 361, [91] p.
500##$aThe contents listed on each title page vary.
500##$aVols. 1-6 are dated "MDCCXXX"; vols. 7-10, dated 1731.
5050#$av.2: Of the glory of God. Of God's being the father of mankind. Of being the children of God. Of loving God. Of the fear of God. Of the wisdom of being religious. Of imitating the holiness of God. Of the love of God towards sinners. Of believing in God. Of the grace of God. Of the kingdom of God. -- v.3: Of the liberty of moral agents. A virtuous mind the best help to understand true religion. The practice of morality leads to the practice of the gospel. The character of a good man. The nature of humane actions. How to judge of moral actions. The nature of religious truths. Of Christ's calling sinners to repentance. The excellency of moral's qualifications. Of humility. Of poverty of spirit. Of the virtue of charity. The nature of relative duties. The inconsistency of the love of God, with the love of the world. The folly of mocking at sin. -- v.4: Of that belief which is necessary to baptism. The design and end of baptism is newness of life. Of being baptized into the name of any person. The nature, end, and design of the Holy Communion. Of the Catholick Church of Christ. Of the number of those that shall be saved. The qualifications of those that shall be saved. That the terms of salvation are offered to all men. The qualifications necessary to receive the terms of salvation. Mens not accepting the terms of salvation is from themselves. Of the nature of the true Christian zeal. -- v.5: The miraculous birth of Christ. The prediction of the Messiah. The character of the Messiah. Of the fulness of time in which Christ appeared. Of the meaning of, the name of God. The doctrines of religion reasonable to be believed. Unreasonable expectations not to be gratified in religion. How the law is said to be the strength of sin. How Christ has enabled us to conquer sin. How Christ has given us the victory over death. The inexcusableness of rejecting the Gospel. Different tempers judge differently of religion. Of the resurrection of Christ. Of Christ's descent into hell. Of Christ's sitting on the right hand of God. The conversation of Christians is in heaven. Of the spiritual nature of God. -- v.6: Of the sin against the Holy Ghost. Of receiving the Holy Ghost. Of the power and authority of Christ. Of the different gifts of the spirit. Of the desire of knowledge. Of the testimony of our Saviour's temptation. The shortness and vanity of humane life. Of resignation to the divine will in afflication. The end of God's afflicting men. The event of things not always answerable to second causes. The practice of wickedness generally attended with great evil. The character of oppressive power in religion. Providential deliverances from slavery. Of the duty of charity. Of the necessity of offences arising against the gospel. -- v.7: Against persecution for religion. Against false pretences to religion. Every man is principally to regard his own proper duty. The folly of losing one's soul to gain the whole world. Of the necessity of holiness. Holiness of life the most acceptable sacrifice of God. Of the unchangeable difference of good and evil. Of the nature of moral and positive duties. Of the difficulty of arriving at truth. Of the nature of religious faith. In what the kingdom of God consists. The parable of the rich man and Lazarus explained. Of the equitable distribution of things at the last day. Of God's disposing all things to their proper ends. Of a future judgement. That every man shall finally receive according tohis works. Of future rewards and punishments. -- v.8: How wicked men are of the devil. The difference betwixt living after the flesh and after the spirit. Of the sins of profaneness. Against profaning the name of God. How wicked men are deceived to their destruction. The design of the gospel is to separate the good from the bad. Scripture-evidence sufficient to make men religious. The scripture a sufficient rule of religion. The knowledge of sin is by the law. Reason the judge of religious actions. Of the nature of temptations. Of the nature of lying. Uprightness a man's greatest security. Religion consists in keeping the commandments only. Of suffering upon the account of religion. Of the nature of the sufferings of Christ. Of the humiliation and sufferings of Christ. The method of deliverance through Christ. -- v.9: Men have natural abilities of knowing God. The wisdom of God in the redemption of man. Of the hopes of happiness through Christ. Of the fundamentals of Christianity. Christians ought to endeavour to attain perfection. The reward of justice. The abounding of iniquity the cause of its abounding more. The wickedness of Christians no argument against Christianity. God will reward all men according to their deserts. Of the deceitfulness of sin. That true Christians are free from all habits of sin. That mens true happiness consists in the favour of God. That godliness generally makes men happy in this life. Perseverance in religion the only title to the reward of it. Different degrees of sinners differently to be treated. Of the duty of prayer. -- v.10: Against too great anxiety in worldly matters. Of forgiveness of injuries. Of the nature and end of the Sabbath. The parable of the sower explained. The end and design of the Jewish law. The practice of virtue the greatest security against our enemies. Of the nature and extent of false witness. Of the sin of deliberate fraud. Of the heinousness of the sin of willful murder. Of the several sorts of hypocrisy. Who are the true chruch of God. Rebellion against God as malignant as witchcraft. All sin proceeds from some misapprehensions of God. Of religious melancholy. Of publickly denouncing curses upon sinners.
561##$aArmorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731.
561##$aArmorial bookplate of Eton College.
563##$aContemporary sprinkled calf; blind tooled double fillet and swag roll frames, with diamond fleurons at each corner; gold tooled fillet and fleurons on spine; green morocco spine labels; red sprinkled edges; five raised bands.
590##$aPrevious shelfmarks: Ed.7.17, Fq.7.1.
650#0$aLord's Supper$vEarly works to 1800.
650#0$aBaptism$vEarly works to 1800.
650#0$aSermons$vEarly works to 1800.
7001#$aBotham, W$eprinter.
7001#$aVertue, George$eengraver.
7001#$aHoadly, Benjamin
7001#$aWaddington, Edward$eformer owner.
7102#$aJames and John Knapton$ebookseller.
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