Language code
grc, lat, grc
Eusebius, of Caesarea, Bishop of Caesarea,
Uniform title
[Demonstration of the Gospel]
Eusebiou tou Pamphilou Euangelikēs apodeixeōs biblia deka. Eusebii Pamphili Euangelicæ demonstrationis lib. X. Ex Bibliotheca Regia.
Varying form of title
Eusebii Pamphili Euangelicae demonstrationis Lib. X.
Varying form of title
Portion of title: Evangelicae demonstrationis lib. X
Varying form of title
Portion of title: Euangelicae demonstrationis lib. X
Varying form of title
Euangelikes apodeixeos biblia deka
Varying form of title
Eusebii Pamphili Evangelicae demonstrationis lib. X
Publication, distribution, etc.
Lutetiae. :, In officina Rob. Stephani typographica regii, regiis typis.,, M.D.XLV. [1545 i.e. 1546].
Physical description
138 [i.e. 318], [2] p. ;, 34 cm.
Parallel title in Latin, text in Greek only.
First part of title in Greek characters, transliterated.
Signatures: Aa-Zz⁶, AAa-CCc⁶ DDd⁴.
Colophon (recto of final leaf) reads: 'Excudebat Robertus Stephanus typographus regius Lutetiae Parisiorum, an. M.D.XLVI, Cal. April.'
Woodcut printer's device, Grecs du roi device (snake on vine) on title-page; woodcut printer's device (variant) on verso of final leaf (olive tree with motto "Noli altum sapere").
Errata on recto of final leaf.
Woodcut head-piece, initials.
With note
Bound and may have been issued with: Eusebiou tou Pamphilou Euangelikēs proparaskeuēs, bib. pentekaideka. Lutetiæ : Ex officina Rob. Stephani, .... , M.D.XLIIII.
Citation/references note
Schreiber, F. The Estiennes,, 78
Citation/references note
Renouard, A.A. Annales de l'imprimerie des Estienne,, 78, no.12
Citation/references note
Adams,, E1082
Volume purchased 1596/7 for 40s. with Estienne's edition of Eusebius, Ekklesiastikes historias, 1544 (Audit accounts; see also Birley, Notes on bindings in College Library I, 18).
Late 16th-century brown calf binding; outer and inner borders formed of blind triple fillets joined at corners; inner frame composed of a single roll with compartments containing medallions with profile heads and renaissance ornaments; silver-tooled armorial stamp of Eton College on both covers; brass clasps on front cover; chain holes; six raised bands; ms. parchment guards; spine decoration formed of blind fillets with diapering at head and tail. See Oldham "English blind-stamped bindings", HMa. 14, no. 783, for roll.
Copy-specific note
Front free-endpaper of volume with curatorial ms. annotation "Ed[iti]o. princeps".
Copy-specific note
Previously Al.4.08(02).
Theology, Practical, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
Estienne, Robert, printer.
Added entry--place
France, Paris.