Language code
lat, grc, grc
La Bigne, Marguerin de
Bibliothecæ veterum patrum, seu Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum tomus primus [-secundus] Graecolatinus. Qui varios Græcorum auctorum libros, antea Latinè tantùm in nouem istius bibliothecæ tomis, nunc verò primùm vtraque lingua editos, in lucem complectitur.
Varying form of title
Scriptorvm ecclesiasticorvm tomvs primvs [-secundvs] Graecolatinvs
Varying form of title
Portion of title: Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum tomus primus [-secundus] Graecolatinus
Varying form of title
Bibliothecae vetervm patrvm, sev Scriptorvm ecclesiasticorvm tomvs primvs [-secundvs] Graecolatinvs
Varying form of title
Bibliothecae veterum patrum, sev Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum tomus primus [-secundus] Graecolatinus
Varying form of title
Other title: Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, appendix, qua Christiani poetae Graeci et Latini continentur
Varying form of title
Scriptorvm ecclesiasticorvm, appendix, qva Christiani poetae Graeci & Latini continentur
Publication, distribution, etc.
Parisiis, :, [Compagnie de la Grand' Navire],, M. DC.XXIV. [1624]
Physical description
3 v. ([6], 1251, [1], 52, [68]; [4], 1200, 14, [46]; [4], 942, [2], 943-955, [1] p.) ;, 39 cm.
Text in parallel Latin and Greek columns.
Compiled by Marguerin de La Bigne.
Dedication to Urban VIII (3rd leaf) signed: "... Bibliopolae Parisienses sub nauis insigni consortes Sonnii fratres et Hieronymus Drouardus ...".
Signatures: t. 1: ã⁴ (-ã1) A-Z⁶ Aa-Zz⁶ Aaa-Zzz⁶ Aaaa-Zzzz⁴ Aaaaa-Lllll⁴ Mmmmm⁸ a-c⁶ d⁸, ²A-E⁴, ³A⁶ ³B⁸ -- t. 2: ã² A-Z⁶ Aa-Zz⁶ Aaa-Zzz⁶ Aaaa-Zzzz⁶ Aaaaa-Hhhhh⁶, ²A⁸ (²A8 blank), ³A-C² a-b⁶ c⁴ -- Appendix: ã² A-Z⁶ Aa-Mm⁶ Nn⁸ Oo-Zz⁶ AAa-ZZz⁶ AAAa-IIIi⁶ KKKk² (KKKk2 blank) LLLl⁸ (- LLLi8).
Volume 3 title-page reads: Bibliothecæ veterum patrum, seu, Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, appendix, qua Christiani poetæ Græci & Latini continentur. Per Margarinum de La Bigne, ...
Printer's name from vignette on title-page: engraved device of the Compagnie du grand navire. -- Cf. Renouard, P. Marques typographiques parisiennes, 1928, nos. 822-826.
Title pages printed in red and black; woodcut head-pieces and initials.
With printed marginalia.
With note
With: Bibliothecae veterum patrum, seu, Scriptorum ecclesiasticorum, appendix, qua Christiani poetæ Græci & Latini continentur.
Ms. inscription at head of vol 1 title-leaf recording donation to Eton College Library by Henry Godolphin in 1732. Henry Godolphin (1648-1733) was at Eton College 1660-1664, became a Fellow in 1677, and Provost in 1695.
Engraved armorial bookplate of Eton College.
17th-century vellum binding; double blind fillet borders; inner frame formed by single blind fillet joined to outer border by blind fillet; blind-tooled centre ornament; six raised bands; red and green morocco spine-labels; remains of two pairs of green linen ties.
Copy-specific note
The dedication leaf is bound to precede the "Catalogus auctorum" in this copy.
Copy-specific note
Previously Al.1.01-Al.1.03.
Christian literature, Early, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
La Bigne, Marguerin de, compiler.
Added entry--name
Godolphin, Henry, former owner.
Added entry--name
Compagnie de la grand-navire, printer.
Added entry--place
France, Paris.