Bry, Theodor de
Uniform title
[America., Pars 6., Latin]
Americae pars sexta. Siue, Historiæ ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptæ, sectio tertia; res no[n] minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm præcedentes duæ. :, In hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opule[n]tissimas illas Peruäni regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba: dei[n]de orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella. Additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis co[m]mentariolus in duo capita distinctus. Item additiones ad singula capita Historiam illustrantes. Accessit Perväni regni chorographica tabula. /, Omnia elegantibus figuris in æs incisis expressa à Theodoro de Bry Leod: cive autem Fra[n]cofurte[n]se A. M D XCVI.
Varying form of title
Portion of title: Historiæ ab Hieronymo Be[n]zono Mediolane[n]se scriptæ, sectio tertia
Publication, distribution, etc.
[Frankfurt am Main] :, [Theodor de Bry],, A. M D XCVI. [1596]
Physical description
108 p., [2] leaves of plates (1 double, 1 single), 28, [1] leaves :, ill. ;, fol.
Engraved title page. Plates have separate engraved t.p., a duplicate of the first. This differs from other recorded copies, which record a special t.p. bearing title: Sequuntur icones artificiosæ ordine Historiam præcedentem illustrantes, additis ad singulas suis explicationibus.
Translated into Latin by Urbain Chauveton.
Citation/references note
CLC,, B2523
Citation/references note
Adams,, B2998
Armorial bookplate of Walter Farquhar, and dono dedit booklabel: Sir W. Farquhar, M.P.
Armorial bookplate of Eton School Library.
18th or early 19th century half russia; blue and pink marbled paper on boards; earlier (17th century?) brown calf spine reattached to spine; gold and blind tooled decoration on spine; 20th century endpapers; red sprinkled edges.
Copy-specific note
Copy imperfect: lacks 2 leaves of preceding plates.
Copy-specific note
First t.p. bears inscription on recto: corrigio se conformea lexpurgato de 1632. Dor. Don P[edr]o Davila. Notiene mas que exurgar por el de 1640.
Copy-specific note
First t.p. inscription on verso: --? comision especial de los ssS Inquisidores de granada corregi este libro conforme al nueuo expurgatorio y lo firme en dos de Junio de 1617. A signiature, not deciphered, follows.
Copy-specific note
Bound as part of 2 vol. set of Bry's Americae.
America, Early accounts to 1600.
Added entry--name
Chauveton, Urbain, translator.
Added entry--name
Bry, Theodor de, publisher.
Added entry--name
Benzoni, Girolamo
Added entry--name
Farquhar, Walter, former owner.
Added entry--name
Eton College School Library, former owner.
Added entry--place
Germany, Frankfurt am Main.