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[Another copy:] Id3.4.11(01)-Id3.4.11(02)
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[Another copy:] Id3.4.12-Id3.4.13
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[Another copy:] Id3.4.14-Id3.4.15
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[Another copy:] Id3.4.16-Id3.4.17
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[Another copy:] Id3.4.18
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett
Poems /, by Elizabeth Barrett Barrett ...
Publication, distribution, etc.
London :, Edward Moxon,, MDCCCXLIV [1844]
Physical description
2 v. (8, xvi, 250, [2] ; iv, 276 p.) ;, 18 cm.
Eight page publisher's catalogue tipped-in between front endpapers and final advertisement leaf in vol 1.
Publisher's green ribbed cloth with decorative panel blind stamped on boards and lettering stamped in gold on spine (Carter 'A' binding).
Citation/references note
Carter, 1938.
[Id3.4.11(01)-(02), Id3.4.14-15] From the Michael Meredith Browning Collection, with bookplate.
[Id3.4.10(01)-(02)] Ms. inscription: "To my dearest Papa, with grateful affection from his own Ba [Elizabeth Barrett Barrett afterwards Browning] - August 1844."
[Id3.4.11(01)-(02)] Ms. inscription: "Fanny J. Dowglass from her affectionate friend E. B. B. - London - 1846 -".
[Id3.4.12-13] Ms. inscription in vol 1: "Georgina Elizabeth Barrett, from her affectionate Ba [Elizabeth Barrett Barrett afterwards Browning]. August 1844." with the recipient's name repeated in the author's hand in vol 2.
[Id3.4.14-15] Purchased by Michael Meredith from Charles Cox in 1978.
[Id3.4.16-17] Ms. inscription (in pencil but overwitten in ink): "Wm. Stirling from E. Barrett" but not in Elizabeth Barrett Browning's hand.
[Id3.4.18] Ms. inscription in Elizabeth Barrett Browning's hand: "Charles John M[oulton] Barrett".
[Id3.4.10(01)-(02)] Both vols housed together in late 10th century brown morocco and marbled paper box, with gilt lettering and tooling ; made by R. L. Day (binder's stamp).
[Id3.4.11(01)-(02)] 19th century blue leather, with gilt frames on boards, and gilt lettering and tooling on spines, with marbled endpapers ; bound without advertisement leaves ; bound by Sizer (binder's stamp) ; both vols housed together in ?20th century blue morocco and cloth box with gilt lettering.
Copy-specific note
[Id3.4.14-15, Id3.4.16-17] Ms. booksellers' notes in pencil.
Copy-specific note
[Id3.4.11(01)-(02)] Ms. inscription in both vols: "Pollock".
Copy-specific note
[Id3.4.11(01)-(02)] Two ms. sonnets written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning on p. 121 of vol 1, entitled "Life" and "The prospect" and not published in this work.
Copy-specific note
[Id3.4.18] Vol 2 only.
Added entry--name
Meredith, Michael, former owner.
Added entry--name
Moulton-Barrett, former owner.
Added entry--name
Browning, Elizabeth Barrett, inscriber.
Added entry--name
moxon, publisher.
Added entry--name
Dowglass, Fanny Jane, former owner.
Added entry--name
Day, R. L, binder.
Added entry--name
Barrett, Georgina Elizabeth, former owner.
Added entry--name
Cox, Charles, bookseller.
Added entry--name
Stirling, William, former owner.
Added entry--name
Moulton-Barrett, Charles John, former owner.
Added entry--place
England, London.
Additional copy
[Another copy:] Id3.4.11(01)-Id3.4.11(02)
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[Another copy:] Id3.4.12-Id3.4.13
Additional copy
[Another copy:] Id3.4.14-Id3.4.15
Additional copy
[Another copy:] Id3.4.16-Id3.4.17
Additional copy
[Another copy:] Id3.4.18