Benson, George
A collection of tracts. I. A dissertation on 2 Thess. ii. 1, ---12, In which it is shown, that the Bishop of Rome is the man of sin, etc. II. A letter to a friend, concerning the end and design of prayer. Or the reasonablenesse of praying to an unchangeably wise, powerful and good God. In answer to the objections of the modern infidels. III. A postscript to the letter on prayer, concerning the views which we ought to have in praying; the drawing up proper forms; the use of scripture language; the confession of such sins only, as we are conscious we have been guilty of. IV. The 30th dissertation of Maximus Tyrius, concerning this question on, whether we ought to pray to God, or no? Translated from the Greek. V. Remarks of the foregoing dissertation of Maximus Tyrius. VI. The doctrine of prædestination reviewed. Or the nature of the councils and decrees of God; and the rise and occasion of the scripture language concerning them. VII. A brief account of Calvin's causing Servetus to be burned, at Geneva, for a heritic. The third edition, corrected and inlarged. To which are now added, by way of supplement. VIII. A defence of the brief account of Calvin's treatment of Servetus. IX. A brief account of Archbishop Laud's cruel treatment of Dr. Leighton. X. An essay, concerning the belief of things, which are above reason. And, a general preface. By George Benson, D.D.
Publication, distribution, etc.
London :, printed and sold by J. Waugh, in Gracechurch-street; J. Noon, in Cheapside; A. Millar, in the Strand; J. Davidson, in the Poultry; R. King, in Fore-street; M. Cooper, in Pater-noster-Row; and J. Robinson, in Ludgate-street.,, M DCC XLVIII. [1748]
Physical description
viii, [16], 264, [4] p. ;, 8vo.
With contents list, p. a1r-a8v.
At foot of p. viii is the statement: "N.B. The supplement is published by itself; for the sake of those, who have the former editions of the other pamphlets; and do not choose to buy this collection of tracts".
With four final advertisement leaves.
Citation/references note
ESTC,, T101255.
Armorial bookplate of Eton College.
18th century light brown calf, lightly sprinkled; gold tooled double fillet border; blind tooled board edges; gold tooling on spine; five raised bands; red morocco spine label.
Copy-specific note
Previous shelfmark: Ef.4.14.
Dissenters, Religious, England.
Anti-Catholicism, England.
Prayer, Christianity.
Added entry--name
Added entry--name
Waugh, James, printer.
Added entry--name
Noon, John, printer.
Added entry--name
Millar, Andrew, printer.
Added entry--name
Davidson, Joseph, printer.
Added entry--name
King, Richard, printer.
Added entry--name
Cooper, Mary, printer.
Added entry--name
Robinson, Jacob, printer.
Added entry--place
England, London