Fiennes, Nathaniel
An extraordinary deliverance, from a cruell plot, and bloudy massacre contrived by the malignants in Bristoll, for the delivering up the said city to Prince Rupert and his forces; but discovered by Gods goodnesse two houres before it should have beene acted, the chiefe conspirators taken, and imprisoned in the castle. Fully and exactly related in a letter from Colonell Fines commander in chiefe there, to the Right Honorable the Lord Say; and three letters more, read at a conference of the Lords and Commons on Tuesday, March 14. 1642. Die Martis, 14 Martii. 1642. Ordered by the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament, that these letters shall be forthwith printed and published. Io. Browne Cler. Parliamentorum.
Publication, distribution, etc.
London, :, Printed for I. Wright in the Old Bailey,, March 15. 1642. [i.e. 1643]
Physical description
[2], 14 p. ;, 4to.
T.p. ornamental border; head-pieces; woodcut initial.
Publication year is given according to Lady Day dating.
Third letter written by Reverend minister now residing in Bristoll.
Second letter signed at end : R. A.
"From the fort at Brandanhill, March 11, 1642" signed at end : E. H.
Citation/references note
Wing (2nd ed.),, F873
Citation/references note
Thomason,, E.93[10]
Citation/references note
ESTC,, R18611
Bookplate: Eton College Library. Bears Ms note: "Bought 1903".
Ms. inscriptions (17th century) on p. 14: "Fab: Phillips". Several of the pamphlets in this volume bear the same name. Possibly Fabian Philipps (1601-1690) of West Twyford, author of a pamphlet on fines in chancery (1662) and supporter of the King during the Civil War.
Mid 17th century dark brown spattered leather; blind tooled double fillet border; gold tooled single fillet edges; blind tooling on spine to suggest bands, unrelated to the six sewn bands beneath; no spine label. No pastedowns, and large stubs of biblical genealogies visible.
Copy-specific note
Bound with 34 other items.
Copy-specific note
Ms. contents list on front endpapers; a later list in pencil in rear endpapers.
Copy-specific note
Beginning of each item marked in ink along the fore-edge.
Saye and Sele, William Fiennes, Viscount,
Rupert, Prince, Count Palatine,
Great Britain (Place), History, Civil War, 1642-1649, Early works to 1800.
Bristol (Place), History, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
Wright, John, publisher.
Added entry--name
Reverend minister now residing in Bristoll
Added entry--name
R. A.
Added entry--name
E. H.
Added entry--name
Philipps, Fabian, former owner.
Added entry--place
England, London.