James, I, King of England
Uniform title
The vvorkes of the most high and mightie prince, Iames by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c. Published by Iames, Bishop of Winton, and deane of his Maiesties Chappel Royall.
Varying form of title
Workes of the most high and mightie prince, James by the grace of God, King of Great Britaine, France and Ireland, defender of the faith, &c
Varying form of title
Collection of His Maiesties workes
Varying form of title
Collection of His Majesties workes
Publication, distribution, etc.
London :, printed by Robert Barker and Iohn Bill, printers to the Kings Most Excellent Maiestie,, anno 1616 [i.e. 1620]
Physical description
[42], 569, [3], 571-621, [1] p. : ports. (metal cuts) ;, fol.
At foot of title: Cum priuilegio.
With an additional title page, engraved, signed: Renold Elstrack sculpsit.
Half-title reads "A collection of His Maiesties workes."; on verso is an engraved portrait signed: Simon Passæus sculp: Lond. Ioh: Bill excudit.
Leaf 3B4 is blank.
A reissue of the 1616 edition, with added quires 3C-3G with colophon: London printed by Robert Barker and Iohn Bill .. Anno M.DC.XX.
Formatted contents note
Contents: A paraphrase vpon the Reuelation.--Two meditations.--Daemonologie.--Basilicon-doron.--The trew law of free monarchies.--A counter-blast to tobacco.--A discourse of the powder treason.--An apologie for the oath of allegiance.--A praemonition to all Christian monarches.--A declaration against Vorstius.--A defence of the right of kings, against Cardinall Perron.--Fiue speaches.--[Supplement]: A meditation vpon the Lords prayer.--A Meditation vpon the 27. 28. 29. verses of the XXVII chapter of Saint Matthew; or, A paterne for a kings inavgvration.
Citation/references note
ESTC S112082
Citation/references note
STC (2nd ed.), 14345
From the library at Newton Surmaville, Yeovil, with the gilt stamp of the Rev. John Phelips (vicar of Yeovil, 1756-1766) on the front board.
17th century brown calf, with blind triple fillet border on boards, gold tooling on tail edges and blind (originally gold?) tooling on head edges.
Gold tooled book stamp of John Phelips.
Added entry--name
Montagu, James, ed.
Added entry--name
Phelips, John
Added entry--name
Elstracke, James
Added entry--name
Pass, Simon van de
Added entry--place
England, London