Additional copy shelfmark
[Another copy:] Fk.4.16(05), [Copy-specific notes:] Bound with eight other items. Ms. contents list on flyleaf. Previously: Dm.4.16. Numb IV, July 1709, Le Malade Imaginare only., [Provenance:] Armorial bookplate of Eton College. Armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731. Ms. inscription in pencil: "Checked March 1924"., [Binding:] 18th century quarter brown calf; red and blue marbled paper covered boards; four raised bands; spine title: "Miscellanies".
The monthly amusement.
Varying form of title
Varying form of title
Académie Galante. English. Love's Academy. No. 6
Publication, distribution, etc.
London :, Printed for D[aniel]. Midwinter in St. Paul's Church-Yard, and B[ernard]. Lintott in Fleet-Street: And sold by J[ohn]. Morphew near Stationers-Hall,, [1709].
Physical description
6v ;, 17cm.
Published monthly: [No. I. (Apr. 1709)]-numb. VI. (September, 1709.).
A collection of continental literature, translated and edited by John Ozell, each of the first five issues containing a single work.
Title pages appear to be half-titles, with designation but no imprint.
General title from half-title of no. 2, title page of no. 1 lacking in copy cataloged.
Each issue includes an additional title page, with original title, translated title, author's and translator's names, and imprint.
Imprints vary; imprint for no. 6 reads in part: Printed for Bernard Lintott at the Cross-Keys.
Date of publication from half-title pages; date of first number from McLeod.
Price following imprint: 1 s. [i.e. one shilling].
Intended to include translations of all of Cervantes and Molière, the project failed after six numbers. Cf. McLeod.
Texts include: "La Gitanilla", The Little Gypsie, "El Zeloso estremeño", The Jealous Estremaduran, and "El Casamiento engan?~oso", The Deceitful marriage, by Cervantes; "Le Misantrope", The Misanthrope, and "La Malade imaginaire," The Hypocondriack, by Molìere; and "Académie galante," Love's academy, a collection of novellas.
Bound with eight other items. Numb. 2 May 1709, "The Misantrope" only.
Ms. contents list on flyleaf.
Previously: Dm.4.16.
Citation/references note
McLeod, W. and V. Graphical directory, 1702-1714, p. 32; NCBEL, II:1293; ESTC P1975
Additional physical form available
Microfilm. No. 1-6 (Apr.-Sep. 1709). Ann Arbor, Mich. : University Microfilms International, 1972. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (Early British periodicals ; reel 221).
Armorial bookplate of Eton College.
Armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731.
Ms. inscription in pencil: "Checked March 1924".
18th century quarter brown calf; red and blue marbled paper covered boards; four raised bands; spine title: "Miscellanies".
Spanish drama, Translations into English, Periodicals, Early works to 1800.
French drama, Translations into English, Periodicals, Early works to 1800.
French fiction, Translations into English, Periodicals, Early works to 1800.
Spanish fiction, Translations into English, Periodicals, Early works to 1800.
Added entry--name
Waddington, Edward, former owner.
Added entry--name
Midwinter, D, (Daniel)
Added entry--name
Lintot, Bernard, bookseller.
Added entry--name
Morphew, John, printer.
Added entry--name
Ozell, John
Added entry--name
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, Gitanilla. English. The Little Gypsie. No. 1.
Added entry--name
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, Celoso estremeno. English. The Jealous Estremaduran. No. 3.
Added entry--name
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, Casamiento engañoso. English. The Deceitful marriage. No. 5.
Added entry--name
Molière, Misantrope. English. The Misanthrope. No. 2.
Added entry--name
Molière, Malade imaginaire. English. The Hypocondriack. No. 4.
Added entry--place
England, London.
Additional copy
[Another copy:] Fk.4.16(05), [Copy-specific notes:] Bound with eight other items. Ms. contents list on flyleaf. Previously: Dm.4.16. Numb IV, July 1709, Le Malade Imaginare only., [Provenance:] Armorial bookplate of Eton College. Armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731. Ms. inscription in pencil: "Checked March 1924"., [Binding:] 18th century quarter brown calf; red and blue marbled paper covered boards; four raised bands; spine title: "Miscellanies".