Williams, Gryffith
The discovery of mysteries: or, The plots and practices of a prevalent faction in this present Parliament. To overthrow the established religion, and the well setled government of this glorious Church, and to introduce a new framed discipline (not yet agreed upon by themselves what it shall be) to set up a new invented religion, patched together of Anabaptisticall and Brownisticall tenents, and many other new and old errors. And also, to subvert the fundamentall lawes of this famous kingdome, by devesting our King of his just rights, and unquestionable royall prerogatives, and depriving the subjects of the propriety of their goods, and the liberty of their persons; and under the name of the priviledge of Parliament, to exchange that excellent monarchicall government of this nation, into the tyrannicall government of a faction prevailing over the major part of their well-meaning brethren, to vote and order things full of all injustice, oppression and cruelty, as may appeare out of many, by these few subsequent collections of their proceedings. By Gr. Williams L. Bishop of Ossory.
Varying form of title
Discovery of mysteries
Varying form of title
Plots and practices of a prevalent faction in this present Parliament
Varying form of title
Discoverie of mysteries: or, the plots and practices of a prevailing faction in this present Parliament, to overthrow both church and state
Varying form of title
Miscellanies from. 1641. &c
Publication, distribution, etc.
[Oxford] :, Printed [by Henry Hall] in the yeare,, M.DC.XLIII [1643].
Physical description
[12], 112p ;, 19cm. (4to).
In part a reply to: Goodwin, John. Os ossorianum.
Place of publication and printer's name from Wing.
Thomason received only quire B in May 1643 (Thomason E.104[27]), then received the complete work in July.
Annotation om Thomason copy E.60[1]: "July 12 Oxon"; on copy E.104[27]: "This was printed at Oxon in May 1643 but not perfected that I could ever see.".
Caption title of quire B reads: The discoverie of mysteries: or, the plots and practices of a prevailing faction in this present Parliament, to overthrow both church and state.
Signatures: pi4 A² B-P4.
Bound with fifty-five other items.
Ms. contents list on flyleaf.
Previously: Dm.4.2.
Citation/references note
Thomason, E.60[1]; Thomason, E.104[27]; Wing (2nd ed.), W2665; Madan, II, 1403; Madan, II, 1405; ESTC R23301
Additional physical form available
Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms, 1967. 1 microfilm reel: 35 mm. (Early English books, 1641-1700; 238:E.60[1], 245:E.104[27]).
Additional physical form available
Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms International, 1977. 1 microfilm reel; 35 mm (Thomason Tracts; 11:E.60[1], 18:E.104[27]).
Armorial bookplate of Eton College.
Armorial bookplate of Edward Waddington, recording donation to Eton College in 1731.
Ms. inscription in pencil: "Checked March 1924. Many entries added to gen cat".
18th century quarter brown calf; red and blue marbled paper covered boards; four raised bands; spine title: "Miscellanies from. 1641. &c".
Goodwin, John, Os ossorianum.
Church of England
Solemn League and Covenant, Early works to 1800.
Great Britain (Place), Politics and government, Early works to 1800, 1642-1649.
Added entry--name
Hall, Henry, printer.
Added entry--name
Waddington, Edward, former owner.
Added entry--place
England, Oxford.